flagburner's blog(仮)



2008-01-28 20:33:10 | 捕鯨騒動
Greenpeace による 捕鯨船団の追跡が終了したのだが・・・。
・日新丸の追跡終了(2008年1月26日 greenpeace.co.jp)
・We leave the Nisshin Maru(2008年1月26日 greenpeace.org)

追跡終了を決めたことに関して、Greenpeace に結構な数の問い合わせがあったとか。
これに対し、Greenpeace は追跡を終えた理由をこう述べている。
以下、Greenpeace の英語版から引用しておく(強調部分は原文通り)。

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Many of us have been onboard for more than three months, and we are getting a bit tired to be honest, but we would still have wanted to stay until the end of the whaling season.
I have gotten many questions about refuelling, and the kindest offers to help raise funds for this purpose.
We have no possibility to refuel unfortunately.

We leave the Nisshin Maru, but we do not abandon the campaign to end whaling in the Southern Ocean for good.
And the whaling fleet will return to Japan with a lot less dead whales than planned for.

We will continue our work on the political arena and in Japan.
Hopefully next year there will be no need to send a ship to these waters.
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そうなると、捕鯨推進派や右巻きの人たち(某市長とか3K とか)とも対決するのが避けられそうにないか。
いかに日本の市民から信用をもらい主張を訴えるかが、今後 Greenpeace が直面する課題なんだろうな。
特に、「エコテロリスト」という汚名(多分濡れ衣)を日本でどう晴らすかは Greenpeace にとって頭の痛いところかな。


Greenpeace による捕鯨船団の追跡終了に、3K から「エコテロリスト」の称号を授けられた Sea Shepherd が怒りを露にした 。
・Greenpeace Protects Japanese Whalers from Sea Shepherd (2008年1月27日 seashepherd.org)

この声明では、一連の反捕鯨活動により Greenpeace が資金集めに成功した、と非難している。
ついでに、Sea Shepherd と Greenpeace の資金力についても言及してるのがなんとも・・・。
以下、Sea Shepherd の声明から一部を(長いけど)引用する(ついでに勝手に強調)。

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“I really have to question just what is Greenpeace's motivation in coming down here year after year,” said Captain Paul Watson.
“Their campaigns are always more of the same, buzzing about in rubber boats, hanging banners and filming whales being killed.
Things have changed dramatically since Sea Shepherd has been intervening.
Whales don't die when we show up.
Instead the whalers run and they keep running.
The whalers have never run from Greenpeace before and they were not running from them this year either.
Even the whalers have admitted they have been running from the Sea Shepherd ship Steve Irwin .”

What the general public is not aware of is the massive fund-raising advertising campaign that Greenpeace runs every year to raise millions of dollars for a campaign they spend only a fraction of that money on.
In addition to television ads Greenpeace has bought the online advertising rights to major newspapers, to Google and other media sites.
Whenever anyone clicks on a whale story up pops an ad asking for donations to be sent to Greenpeace.

“This is all well and good,” said Captain Paul Watson.
“But with the amount of revenue Greenpeace is bringing in why are they leaving for the season?
They should get up to the nearest port, fill up their fuel tanks and get back down to the Southern Ocean and continue their campaign.
The whalers will be down here for another two months.
Plenty of time to refuel and return.
But they won't do it.
They have their pictures and they have their story and that is fuel enough to generate a fund-raising program for the rest of the year.”
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日本の捕鯨推進派が、Greenpeace や Sea Shepherd を非難する時の決まり文句を読んでるみたいだ。
Sea Shepherd は、事前に日本の捕鯨推進派が訴える非難を知ってたのかな?

Greenpeace の追跡終了で、捕鯨船団の活動を観察できるのは日本政府と豪政府のみ。


