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2008-04-24 20:32:30 | おかしな人たち
・JAPAN: Law Against Possession of Child Porn Soon(2008年4月24日 ipsnews.net)

それと、児童ポルノが Web 上で大量に広まっているという話も結構含まれている。
ただ、話の根拠に米の調査や米司法局所属の Andrew Oosterbaan 氏を見解を引用してる辺りがなんとも・・・(苦笑)。

さらに、日本UNICEF所属 中井 裕真氏と弁護士の後藤 健治氏の主張も使っている。
以下、ipsnews.net の記事から問題の部分を引用する。
---- 以下引用 ----
It is difficult to measure the volume because the definition of child pornography differs from country to country, says Hiromasa Nakai, of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in Japan.
‘’It is also available in forms of hard copy, DVD and photos and therefore it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to measure how the extent to which child pornography is circulated, distributed, sold or exchanged,‘’he says.

Unlike in the U.S., Japan child porn in anime and cartoons is legally sold.
Pedophiles have children watch anime to encourage them into participating in child abuse.
Anime are cartoon animations.

"We have observed quite of few of them in the form of child rape, and at the end the children enjoyed it and are happy," Nakai said.
"When I went to Akihabara and visited one of the mega stores that sell ‘child porno,’ though it was just before the lunch time of weekday, there was a continuous flow of men between the ages of 20 -50,’’ he noted.
In Tokyo’s Akihabara district, crowds of people spend hours in nondescript buildings shopping for anime, DVDs, and games.

"The type of child porn sold there (Akihabara) are also widely available on Internet," Nakai adds.
"So, there certainly is a big market in Japan.
However, this reality is not known by the majority of the general public.

"It is certainly an international problem and that's why we, who represent UNICEF in Japan, are actively involved in this, and therefore no single country can solve this problem.
We need to act together.
And we believe Japan, being an IT and ‘contents’ giant, has a big role and responsibility to act here."

Keiji Goto, a lawyer in Tokyo, agrees.
"I think the Diet (parliament) will pass legislation to ban possession of child porn, because all parties recognise the importance of this issue."

In an opinion poll conducted by the cabinet office in 2007, more than 90 percent of respondents favored regulation of the possession of child pornography.
---- 引用以上 ----

このような意味不明な記事を書いた Catherine Makino 氏は、一体何を考えているのだろうか。
だいたい、俺が引用した部分の前で使っていた「児童ポルノ画像が凶悪事件の一因」という Andrew Oosterbaan 氏の根拠は何よ?

それに、Makino 氏は、この法律に潜むリスク --表現の自由への侵害とか-- をわかっているのだろうか?
このリスクをわかっていながらこのような記事を書いたとしたら、Makino 氏は相当悪質だと思ふ。
仮に Makino 氏がリスクをわかってないとしたら、Makino 氏はおめでたい人だと言えるがね。



