flagburner's blog(仮)



2011-12-14 21:17:55 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
一昨日のことになるが、ヨルダン川西岸地区にある入植地の1つで Kedumim(קְדוּמִים)の近くにあるイスラエル軍基地に、約50人ばかりが乱入→火炎瓶などを投げつける→イスラエル軍兵士と揉み合いになる→逃走(2人だけ逮捕)、なんて騒ぎがあった。
・Israeli military base attacked by Jewish extremists in West Bank(2011年12月13日 guardian.co.uk)

以下、2011年12月13日分 guardian.co.uk『Israeli military~』から、Ehud Barak イスラエル防衛相と Benyamin Netanyahu イスラエル首相のコメント部分を(略

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Israel's defence minister, Ehud Barak, described the incident as "homegrown terror", which he warned would not be tolerated.
"We will capture those responsible and they will stand trial," he vowed.
"They endangered lives and their actions threaten to damage the delicate relations Israel has with its neighbours."

Hours after the attack, prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu called an emergency meeting to address the mounting threat posed by extremists.
"The situation is intolerable," he told assembled ministers.
"We must take care of these rioters with a firm hand. We will not tolerate a situation in which IDF officers and soldiers are attacked and distracted from protecting Israeli citizens."
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まぁ、Netanyahu 首相としては入植者の方々を刺激したくないんだろうが、こう言っておかないと色々示しがつかないしな。

・Rioting settler: We were pushed into a corner(2011年12月13日 ynetnews.com)
・צעיר שהתפרע ברמת גלעד: "דחקו אותנו לפינה"
(2011年12月13日 ynet.co.il;ヘブライ語)

まずは、2011年12月13日分 ynetnews.com『Rioting settler~』から前半部分を(略

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The activist stressed that the incident was spontaneous. "The IDF spokesman's claim that the events were planned and intentional is false. The rage and despair got out of control. No one wanted things to end the way they did," he told Ynet.

The rightist complemented Ephraim Brigade Commander Colonel Ran Kahane, who was injured in the incident.
"He is a decent and serious man. It's a shame this happened. I regret what happened, though I personally did not raise a hand on anyone. All this is happening because we are being pushed into a corner.

"It is a shame we've reached a point where I have to clash with my brothers when we serve in the same army," said the rightist.
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で、どこかの入植地の代表者は、(入植者が)追い詰められてた理由の1つに Gaza 地区からの(形ばかりの)入植地撤退+2006年に西岸地区の入植地を撤去した、なんて述べていた。
以下、2011年12月13日分 ynetnews.com『Rioting settler~』から後半部分を8略

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The settler leader claimed the disengagement from Gaza and the 2006 evacuation of the West Bank settlement of Amona were partly to blame: "Our youth has been slapped in the face by the State, and they are not willing to be trampled on any longer. After the disengagement, our youth was highly disappointed from their leadership, for cooperating with state authorities and in effect with the destruction of the Gush Katif[引用者注] communities."

He also noted that those who took part in the riots also serve in the IDF.
"We must remember that these are good kids, our finest sons. They enlist in the most elite combat units. This was an act of disapproval and protest against the disgrace that we've been subjected to. We are against harming IDF soldiers, but it happened," he said.

引用者注:2010年6月にイスラエル内務省が公表した報告書では、Gush Katif から追い出された人達への補償は十分でないという評価だった。
・Inquiry panel: State turned Gaza evacuees into refugees in their homeland(2010年6月15日 Haaretz.com)

これを受けたのかどうか不明だが、今年8月になって、Gush Katif から追い出された人達への補償額を増やす法案(?)が成立したけど・・・。
・Gush Katif evacuees to get higher compensation(2011年8月5日 jpost.com)
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Gaza 地区の入植地から追い出された人達への補償(新たな住居の提供など)をまともに行わなかったイスラエル政府の責任は大きいけど・・・。


・Israeli intelligence officials repeatedly warned IDF of right-wing violence(2011年12月14日 Haaretz.com)

以下、2011年12月14日分 Haaretz.com『Israeli intelligence officials~』からその部分を(略

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Officers at the base did nothing to prevent the acts.
Only after some time did police arrive and chase off the intruders.
The incident ended at around 1:30 A.M.

Among the questions that arose following the incident is how the protesters entered the base unhindered, despite warnings that extremists would try to foil an evacuation by destroying equipment.

The police response was also apparently slow and feeble.

The army claimed that it realized early on that they would have rioting on the road but the police took a long time to send trained personnel to the scene.
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