flagburner's blog(仮)


Arson in Beitar Jerusalem offices:combination of racism and xenophobia?(Feb 11, 2013)

2013-02-11 21:05:43 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
少し前、人種差別的な運営方針やファン崩れの破壊行為とかで悪名高いイスラエルのフットボールクラブこと ベイタル・エルサレム(Beitar Jerusalem FC)の練習する場所の近くで、数十人が選手や幹部の車を取り囲み襲撃→3人逮捕されるという事件が起きた。
理由は、Beitar 側が チェチェンの テレク・グロズヌイ(Terek Grozny)というフットボールクラブから ムスリムの選手2人を移籍させると発表したことへの抗議だとか。
・Beitar Jerusalem:again, again and again...(Feb 2, 2013)(2013年2月2日 flagburner's blog(仮))

その後も、試合中のファン崩れによる人種差別発言や Beitar に移籍してきた選手2人への暴言が相次いだ。
そして、一昨日 Beitar Jerusalem の事務所が放火→事務所の一部を焼く、という事件が起きた・・・。
・Racism suspected in Jerusalem soccer club arson(2013年2月8日 rawstory.com;AFP)
・Suspected arson in Beitar Jerusalem offices(2013年2月8日 ynetnews.com)

以下、2013年2月8日分 ynetnews.com『Suspected arson~』から、エルサレム消防局(?)の広報こと Assaf Abers 氏、Beitar~ の理事の1人である Meir Harush 氏、ベンヤミン・ネタニヤフ(Benyamin Netanyahu)イスラエル首相、ニール・バルカット(Nir Barkat)エルサレム市長のコメント部分を(略

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"At about 5 am we received a call about a fire at the Beitar Jerusalem offices, apparently made by a patrol officer who had heard the fire alarm go off," Avers said.
"Two teams arrived at the scene and put out the fire. We are investigating the matter."

Harush himself was devastated after learning of the damage.
"They burned Beitar's history. How can anyone do such a thing? It's appalling."

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in response that he "opposes violence by those who protest the integration of Chechen players into the team. This is shameful behavior."

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat also commented on the incident and said that "the perpetrators are not fans, but simply criminals. This act is reminiscent of the mafia."
A special police investigation has been launched into the event.
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Netanyahu 首相が「恥ずべき行為」と言っても、いささか説得力に欠ける気がしないでもない(苦笑)。

この所 Beitar~の試合とかで暴れてる人達ってのは、Beitar~のチームカラーを自分達の行為を正当化する口実に使ってるとしか言いようがない。
無論、やった側にしてみたら、ムスリムの選手と契約した Beitar の経営陣が悪いってノリなんだろうが・・・。

そもそも、「非ユダヤ系」の人達への人種差別を打ち出してる Beitar~の方針自体スポーツの精神と相容れないんだけど。

昨日行われた Beitar~と ブネイ・サフニンFC(Bnei Sakhnin:اتحاد أبناء سخني)の試合でも、懲りずに人種差別発言が繰り返された。
・Racism persists at Betar Jerusalem game(2013年2月10日 jpost.com)

言うまでもなく、ファン崩れの方々は 新たに加入した2人の選手に怒りを示していた。
以下、2013年2月10日分 jpost.com『Racism persists~』から中盤部分を(略

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Some fans are furious that Betar signed two Muslim players, Dzhabrail Kadiyev and Zaur Sadayev, from the Chechen team Terek Grozny.

“We don’t want Arabs, we don’t like them. For 70 years Betar has had no Arab players, Jerusalem will be pure forever!” shouted 16-year-old Nati Hajaj outside the stadium.
“It’s a fundamental of the team,” he explained.

“It’s absolutely terrible there are Muslim players on the team, I hope all Arabs will die,” said Avner Yericha, a 28-year-old Jerusalem resident.

“I’m not racist, I just hate Arabs,” said another 16-year-old fan, who refused to give his name.

Other fans cautioned that these extreme views were not representative of all Betar fans.

“This is really a shame, it’s taking away from the good name of Betar,” said Reut Moshe of Kiryat Gat.
“They need to arrest the fans who are doing these [violent acts], this is delegitimizing the team.”
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そして、試合中にも加入した Kadiyev 選手と Beitar~の経営陣に対するブーイングやら人種差別発言が繰り広げられた。
以下、2013年2月10日分 jpost.com『Racism persists~』からさっきの続きを(略

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“Everyone hates you, Itzik Kornfein, your mother is a whore and you are a bastard!” the crowd chanted after they finished singing “Hatikva,” referring to the chairman of Betar Jerusalem.
Some fans are furious with him for signing the two Muslim players.

Fans also chanted “Death to Arkadi” Gaydamak, Betar’s owner.

In a show of support for the Chechen players and Betar management, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, Culture and Sport Minister Limor Livnat and the mayor of the Chechen capital of Grozny all attended the game.

Kadiyev, one of the new players from Chechnya, was booed by a group of Betar fans every time he touched the ball while warming up on the field during halftime.
The second player from Chechnya, Sadayev, is currently injured.
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これ、イスラエルフットボール協会(Israel Football Association:IFA)の怠慢が招いた事態だよな。
ついでに、IFA だけじゃなくて、長年 Beitar~の方針を認めてきたイスラエル社会自体の怠慢でもあるけど。

・Israelis shocked by racist football chants bringing shame to a once proud team(2013年2月10日 guardian.co.uk)

以下、2013年2月10日分 guardian.co.uk『Israelis shocked~』から終盤部分を(略

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According to Avraham Burg, a former speaker of the Israeli parliament, the club should be viewed from three perspectives.
"The small picture is that every football club has a group of very extreme fans who are fanatical about the spirit of the club. The spirit of Beitar is interpreted by this group as ethnic, religious, racist, xenophobic, Islamophobic.

"The mid-sized picture is that of Jerusalem. These days it is a narrow-minded, limited, self-confined city, where the two communities [Jewish and Arab] are separated.

"The big picture means asking if this is a symbol of a larger problem in Israel. The answer is definitely yes. It's a combination of racism and xenophobia, but a racism that is connected to religious extremism."

But Tamar Herman of the Israeli Democracy Institute said the racism of Beitar's fans was not representative or typical of Israeli society.
"Football clubs develop a certain subculture that does not necessarily reflect the entire society around them," she said.

Anti-Arab feeling in Israel, she added, was different from European Islamophobia.
"It's based on a conflict of interests. It's not because they are Arab or Muslim, but because of a constant struggle over ownership of the land. In Europe, Islamophobia is not based on a political, historical and military conflict."
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