flagburner's blog(仮)


Patrick Manning 首相の怪言

2008-11-11 20:00:38 | 時事ネタ(海外)
先月の25日に、偶然なのか政治的意図を持ってたのか知らないけど、政府を批判したラジオ局に乗り込んだトリニダード・トバゴの首相こと Patrick Manning 氏もそうした人に入りそうだ・・・。

なんか、この Patrick Manning 氏って色んな意味で有名な人らしい。
ってのも、Manning 氏が就任してからトリニダード(略)の治安が悪化したとか・・・。

とにかく、Manning 氏が政治的意図を持ってラジオ局に入ったという疑惑に関して Manning 氏は弁明するハメになった。
・Manning mad at media, PM: I’ll go to the courts if aggrieved(2008年11月7日 The Trinidad Guardian)

ここで Manning 氏は、あくまで一個人としてラジオ局に向かったと述べて、さらに話を続けた。
以下、The Trinidad Guardian の記事から一部を引用しておく。
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“First of all, I didn’t suspend anybody from a radio station...I have no such authority,” he said.

“If individuals were suspended from a radio station, it was purely internal and a management issue that has absolutely nothing to do with the Prime Minister.

“The second issue, therefore, is whether it is proper for the PM to visit a radio station or not.

“If it is proper for a citizen of T&T to visit a radio station, then it cannot be improper for the PM as a citizen of T&T to do the same -- unless of course, there are rights available to every citizen in T&T except the PM of the country. That, of course, cannot be so.”
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なんか Manning 氏の釈明って、色々苦しいところがあるよな(苦笑)。
ってのも、この後、Manning 氏はラジオ局やテレビ局などの報道姿勢を批判してるんだよな。
再び、The Trinidad Guardian の記事からその部分を引用しておく。

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He lamented that of the 34 radio stations, seven television stations and three daily newspapers, he was unable to identify any media house that pursued a pro-government agenda.

“What is worse is that too many of the commentators either in the newspapers or on the radio do not respect our institutions,” Manning said.

“It is a question of being disrespectful to institutions and authority and pursuing a course of action that can cause the image of these institutions and individuals to be tarnished in the minds of those in whose interest they are set up to serve. And therefore they can become completely ineffective.”
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「どこのメディアが政府を尊重してるかどうかわからない」ってのを公言するのって、果たして一国の首相としてアリなんだろうか?しかも、Manning 氏は、いざとなったらこの件で裁判を起こす予定もあるとも述べたとか・・・(後述)。
暗に、Manning 氏が政府への非難を許さないと受け止めたくもなるわな。

これを補強してるのが、情報相の Neil Parsanlal 氏の発言。
・Govt not anti-media(2008年11月11日 Trinidad Express)

ここで Parsanlal 氏は、メディアに対して公正で正確な報道を求める趣旨の発言もしてた・・・。
以下、2008年11月11日分 Trinidad Express の記事から、Parsanlal 氏の発言を一部引用しておく。

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Parsanlal said visiting the radio station was one of several options that were available to Manning, who said last week that he has noted none of the nation's print, radio and television media houses are "pro-Government".
Manning also said last week that he plans initiate a new line of action to "go to the courts" if he is "aggrieved by anything the media does in the future".

"Government is not anti-media nor does the Government expect any media house to adopt a pro-Government position. All theGovernment is seeking, or all the Government desires is balanced coverage or fair or accurate reporting and balanced coverage," Parsanlal said.
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それだったら、某 J国の新聞記者達を雇うべきだな(謎笑)。

なお、Manning 氏がラジオ局に乗り込んだという疑惑の元となったラジオ番組(の一部)も、一応文字に起こされてた。
・What was said on air(2008年11月8日 Trinidad Express)

問題の部分は、Manning 氏(つーかトリニダード政府)が天然ガス車の導入を促す政策をやるかも、という話の部分。
長いけど、2008年 11月 8日分の Trinidad Express の記事から引用しておく。

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Newscaster continues with the newscast: The Prime Minister assured that incentives would be given to motorists to make the change to CNG.

Newscaster comments[以下 N.]: Yes, so he paying for you to go and change your whole kit.

Presenter comments[以下 P.]: You know who much it cost to, to?

N.: Yes about $5,000.

P.: About $5,000, is about $10,000.

N.: Yes between $5 and $10, one mechanic said.

P.: Jesus Christ. Why would you raise gas for the minority which is the people who can't afford it. That is the minority eh.

N.: It doesn't make much sense to, but we need to sustain the increase spending of the Government at this time. So think about it.

P.: Think about what? There is nothing to think about and Diesel may soon go up.

N.: Yep and he is also going to be encouraging people, persons are now going to be encouraged to change their, to convert their cars from Diesel to CNG.

P.: Which if a man hit you from behind it could be very dangerous because the tank is in the trunk.

N.: That's our Prime Minister.
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結論:Manning 氏は、首相として器が小さい。


