flagburner's blog(仮)


政府の方針に反対すると入国できない国(2010年1月版) 3

2010-01-20 20:53:22 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
数日前、Ma'an News Agency の英語版編集長こと Jared Malsin (جاريد مسلين)氏がイスラエル当局に拘束された、という騒動をネタにした。
・政府の方針に反対すると入国できない国(2010年1月版) 2(2010年1月18日 flagburner's blog(仮))

そう、イスラエル当局が Malsin 氏を(休暇を過ごした先の)チェコに国外追放するという無茶技を繰り出してきたのだ・・・。
・American Journalist, Jared Malsin, Deported(2010年1月20日 imemc.org;Ma'an News Agency の転載モノ)

一応、2010年1月20日分 imemc.org『American jouralist~』から、昨日の展開について触れてるところを引用する。

---- 以下引用 ----
On Tuesday, Tel Aviv District Judge Kobi Vardi ordered that a hearing be scheduled to consider the Israeli Ministry of the Interior's decision to deport Ma'an journalist Jared Malsin.
Following the call, lawyer Castro Daoud went to the airport detention facility where Malsin has been kept for the past week to deliver the news.

At about 2:30 pm, Daoud left the detention center and filed a motion requesting that Jared be permitted to leave the country while the hearing and case proceed in his absence.
As the Attorney General's Office insisted that Malsin not be permitted to attend his hearing, Daoud argued that it was no longer necessary to keep him confined to his cell in the detention center.

At about 4:30pm, staff from the US Embassy in Tel Aviv notified Malsin’s parents in the US state of New Hampshire that he would be on the next flight to Prague, even though Justice Vardi had not ruled on Daoud’s motion to let Malsin travel and still pursue the case.

At about 7:30pm, Daoud expressed shock after he received notification that a motion was signed by Malsin requesting his deportation challenge be annulled.
Justice Vardi has closed the case on Malsin’s deportation order one week after it was filed.

Ma’an is deeply concerned that there was no lawyer present when Malsin apparently filed this independent motion, which was sent from the Israeli Ministry of the Interior and not his legal representative, who had just left.
It is inexplicable that Malsin would knowingly drop the legal challenge after his first major success.
---- 引用以上 ----

イスラエル当局の対応もさることながら、Malsin 氏の弁護士こと Daoud 氏がとった対応も正直褒められたモンじゃないっつーの。
下手をすると、Malsin 氏の弁護士として職務放棄をした(させられた)と受け止められかねないっつーの。
だいたい、Malsin 氏の国外追放を正式に言い渡されるかどうかの裁判(?)に Malsin 氏を出席させないだけでなく Daoud 氏自身も出ないってのはどういうことよ?
ま、この辺りについては、Ma'an News Agency の方々が調査してくれると思うが・・・。

つーか、Malsin 氏をチェコに「飛ばした」理由が全然わからないのだが。


