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ジンバブエでの地雷除去に何年かかるのやら(Apr 9, 2014)

2014-04-09 21:27:30 | 時事ネタ(海外)
先月下旬のことになるが、日本政府が『ジンバブエ北東部における地雷除去計画(The Project for Mine Clearance in the Northeastern Area of Zimbabwe)』なるものをヘイロー・トラスト(Halo Trust)というNGOと締結したらしい。
・平成25年度草の根・人間の安全保障無償資金協力「ジンバブエ北東部における地雷除去計画」署名式実施報告(2014年3月24日 zw.emb-japan.go.jp)
・PRESS RELEASE(2014年3月24日 zw.emb-japan.go.jp;.pdfファイル)

以下、2014年3月24日分 zw.emb-japan.go.jp『PRESS RELEASE』から前半部分を(略

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The Embassy of Japan has today extended a grant of eight hundred and fifty-three thousand, six hundred and seven dollars (USD853,607) to an international NGO, The HALO Trust for the implementation of “The Project for Mine Clearance in the Northeastern Area of Zimbabwe”.
The Ambassador of Japan to Zimbabwe, H.E. Mr Yonezo Fukuda and Mr Tom Dibb, Programme Manager of The HALO Trust signed the contracts formalising the grant.

The HALO Trust has received a similar grant from the Embassy last March in the amount of USD 864,153 for the start-up of the operation for survey of the minefields and demining activities.
With today’s grant, The HALO Trust will be able to expand the exercise to Mudzi besides Mount Darwin district.
The project has employed some 90 local staff, comprising manual demining sections and survey teams.
Having had intensive training, they are running daily operations.

The impact of landmine explosions in these districts has had a devastating impact on the local community.
Some houses and schools are right beside the minefields.
Livestock fatalities occur on a regular basis.
The project will have a very positive impact on locals who will be able to enjoy freedom of movement.
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そもそも、なんで地雷がジンバブエに残ってるのかというと、1970年代にジンバブエ -- 当時はローデシアという名前だった -- が英国に対し挑んだ独立戦争が原因らしい。
・Zimbabwe's demining neglected(2014年3月25日 irinnews.org)

参考までに、2014年3月25日分 irinnews.org『Zimbabwe's~』から中盤部分を(略

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Mukumbura[引用者注:ジンバブエの中央あたりにある都市] is just one of many areas affected by anti-personnel mines that were laid along the borders of Mozambique and Zambia more than three decades ago, when Zimbabwe - then known as Rhodesia - fought for independence from Britain.

The mines fields were laid by Rhodesian security forces as a barrier against the infiltration of liberation fighters from neighbouring states.
The minefields were mapped, but some records were lost during the 1980 transition from colonial Rhodesia to independent Zimbabwe, a senior military intelligence officer, who declined to be named, told IRIN.

"The younger generations in that area [Mukumbura] are victims of a war that ended years before they were born. They are captives in their own land, but seem to have accepted that their own children and future generations will still live next door to the mines. It is taking too long to clear the mines," a police detective from the area told IRIN.

A 2012 ZIMAC report noted, "These mined areas have had a severe socio-economic impact on Zimbabwean rural communities."

The mines have prevented the safe movement of communities, inhibited access to water sources, curtailed the expansion of tea and timber plantations, and hampered tourism, the report stated.

Landmine-clearing operations began in 1982, but progress has been slow, a fact blamed on inadequate funding and a lack of political will.
The Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor in 2012 estimated about 1.17 million mines remain.
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以下、2014年3月25日分 irinnews.org『Zimbabwe's~』から後半部分を(略

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The Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor says statistics on Zimbabwe's demining progress are confusing.

"Although Zimbabwe has cleared or otherwise released several mined areas, the data it has provided on land release are extremely inconsistent. Statements at conferences, three... deadline extension requests and annual... transparency reports offer inconsistent data on the remaining problem, and annual results reported since 2000 do not add up to the cumulative results reported" in its comments on the deadline extension request.

It notes some government information suggest about 20sqkm of land remains contaminated, while other information shows 223sqkm remain to be cleared.

While applying for the MBT[引用者注:The Mine Ban Treaty、地雷禁止条約] extension in 2012, ZIMAC[引用者注:] noted that about 205sqkm of contaminated land remained from the original 511sqkm identified in 1982.
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