flagburner's blog(仮)


Who did say "The modern image of Santa Claus was created by the Coca-Cola"?

2014-01-03 21:23:24 | その他

・If you wear Santa hats in Israeli highschool...(Jan 2, 2014)(2014年1月2日 flagburner's blog(仮))

↑で、俺は ynetnews.com の記事を元にした。
しかし、それより前に ynetnews.com の記事を元にして記事を書いてる人がいた。
・Tel Aviv School Bans Students’ New Year’s Santa Claus Hats(2013年12月31日 jewishpress.com)

以下、2013年12月31日分 jewishpress.com『Tel Aviv School Bans~』からその書き込みとレスを(略

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Anthony Kent says: December 31, 2013 at 7:51 PM

Red Santa hats were invented by Coca Cola in 1930.
They have little to do with christian belief.
Let the students have a bit of fun.
Maybe they can get blue ones.

Moshe Z. Matitya says: December 31, 2013 at 8:32 PM

@Anthony Kent: "Red Santa hats were invented by Coca Cola in 1930."

Not so.
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ちうわけで、snopes.com の記事(タイトル:"The Claus That Refreshes")から中盤部分を(略

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Although we can identify some of the most influential sources who contributed to the formation of the modern Santa Claus figure (such as writers Washington Irving and Clement Clarke Moore, historian John Pintard, and illustrator Thomas Nast) no single person or institution can lay claim to having created him.
Nonetheless, we humans prefer definitive answers: We want details about time, place, and source and tend to eschew ambiguous, indefinite, open-ended explanations.
We don't find satisfying the notion that Santa Claus is an evolutionary figure with no single, identifiable point of origin, so instead many of us have clung to the more satisfying, pat (and somewhat cynical) explanation that the modern appearance of Santa Claus was a commercial creation of the Coca-Cola company, who cannily promoted a version of Santa garbed in their red-and-white corporate colors.

It is true that, since Santa Claus is an evolutionary figure, he did not suddenly appear fully-formed one day and immediately supplant every other character traditionally associated with Christmas.
However, it is not true in any realistic sense that Coca-Cola "created" the modern Santa Claus: they did not invent the now-familiar rotund, bearded fellow clothed in red-and-white garb, nor did they pluck him from a pantheon of competing, visually different Christmastime figures and elevate him to the supreme symbol of Christmas gift-giving.
The red-and-white Santa figure existed long before Coca-Cola began featuring him in print advertisements, and he had already supplanted a bevy of competitors to become the standard representation of Santa Claus before he began his tenure as a pitchman for Coke.

At the beginning of the 1930s, as the burgeoning Coca-Cola company was looking for ways to increase sales of their product during winter (then a slow time of year for the soft drink market), they turned to a talented commercial illustrator named Haddon Sundblom, who created a series of memorable drawings (inspired in large part by Clement Clark Moore's 1822 poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas") that associated the figure of a larger than life, red-and-white garbed Santa Claus with Coca-Cola and the slogan "The Pause That Refreshes," such as the following:
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