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Memorandum about Israeli military's unnatural video(Feb 13, 2014)

2014-02-13 21:35:28 | パレスチナかイスラエルか

少し前に述べたかもしれんが、イスラエル軍は YouTube上に公式チャンネルを開設してる。

・In IDF fantasy video, Palestinians are allowed to protest(2014年2月12日 972mag.com)

抗議デモが行われた場所は、Kafr Qaddum(كفر قدوم)という村。


What "Non-Violent" Palestinian Protests Really Look Like

以下、2014年2月12日 972mag.com『In IDF Fantasy Video~』から中盤部分を(略

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Back to the video.
We see an IDF soldier’s view of a Qaddum protest that took on place on February 7 of this year.
“We ask you today not to choose violence,” a megaphone-wielding IDF officer announces to the protesters in English.
“It is okay to demonstrate, but it is not okay to use violence ― we ask you to stop throwing rocks,” the officer shouts.
I wonder how many of the people he was speaking to understood him.

According to the video’s subtitled narration, the Palestinians “consistently ignore the officer’s request and start attacking the soldiers.”
The video states that one of the officers was injured after Palestinians “threw rocks at his head.”
This, of course, forced the IDF to use “non-lethal methods of crowd dispersal.”

Now the officer is in an explanatory mood.
He returns with the megaphone, and tells the protestors (in English, again), that the soldiers “came in because you threw stones and…injured one of our officers.”
The officer is then seen pleading with the soldiers to stop.

The clip ends with something out of the most banal anti-smoking television commercial: “Every week ‘non-violent’ protesters injure soldiers who are then forced to act in self-defense.”

What’s striking here is that the Israeli army never acknowledges the fact that it is “defending” itself from confrontations that its own soldiers initiate.
The Palestinians are unarmed civilians demonstrating on their own land
But instead of letting them chant, wave flags and burn tires inside their own village, the army sends fully armed soldiers wearing riot gear to invade the village, blanket the protestors in tear gas, shoot them with rubber bullets, douse them with putrid gas and, in many cases, arrest them violently.
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というのも、YouTube 上で公開するのを念頭に置いて英語で警告を出すことにしたんだろうが、逆にこの動画に妙な不自然さを持たせる結果になったのは否めない。

972mag.com の記事のコメント欄には、権力側とデモの関係に関する意味深なコメントが・・・。
ちうわけで、2014年2月12日 972mag.com『In IDF Fantasy Video~』からそのコメントを(略

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February 13, 2014

Our region seems to have a whole new definition of what non-violent demonstration and unarmed civilians.
And a new definition of what the Army is responsible for and what it should it do.

Apparently, some people that would have simply waved flags go into uncontrollable rage when they see soldiers and start throwing stones.
It’s simply beyond their control to refrain from throwing stones when they see soldiers.

Also, the soldiers that should control the demonstrations and make sure things don’t get out of hand should simply do nothing.
They should also provide the protesters with Israeli flags and tires to burn.
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