flagburner's blog(仮)


Peter Garrett's hypocracy?

2009-12-25 20:11:38 | 捕鯨騒動
日本政府が行ってる「調査捕鯨」への抗議を続ける Sea Shepherd の総帥こと Paul Watson 船長が、数日前に Peter Garrett 豪環境相に対し公開書簡を送っていたとか。
で、今日になって Watson 船長にそれへの返答が帰ってきたのだが・・・。
・Dear Peter Garrett (2009年12月25日 blogs.myspace.com)

Peter Garrett 氏は、政治家になる前は音楽家としても環境保護を訴える活動家としても有名だったとか。
Garrett が政治家になってからの経緯は以下を参照。
・Lessons of Peter Garrett’s evolution: from radical activist to Australian Labor politician(2004年10月5日 wsws.org)

だが、2007年に環境相に就任して以降、Garrett 氏の評判はあまり芳しくないようで・・・。
とりわけ、Sea Shepherd にとっては、日本の「調査捕鯨」に対する Garrett 氏(というか豪政府)の曖昧な態度が許せなかった模様。
(ちなみに、環境相になった後で Garrett 氏は Sea Shepherd のメンバーと面会してないらしい)

今月17日に Watson 船長が Garrett 氏に向けて出した書簡ではそんな Garrett 氏への苛立ちを隠さなかった。
で、今日になってその返答が Garrett 氏から届いたのだが・・・。
Garrett 氏からの返答に対する Watson 船長のコメントが長すぎるので、一部だけ取り上げて突っ込みを入れておく(何)。

最初に Watson 船長が送った書簡では、豪政府が日本政府に対し「調査捕鯨」を止めることを「外交的(dplomatically)」な手段で解決する姿勢を示してることに懸念を示していた模様。
これに対して、Garrett 氏は、外交的な手段を優先させると返答したのだが・・・。
以下、2009年12月25日分 blogs.myspace.com『Dear Peter Garrett』より、その部分を(略

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Peter Garrett:
As you are aware, the Australian Government remains committed to the conservation of whales and the continuation of commercial so-called “scientific” whaling.
The Australian government is continuing to engage in constructive efforts to resolve whaling issues diplomatically.
If we cannot resolve this matter “diplomatically”, we will take international action.

Captain Paul Watson’s Responds:
Mr. Garrett does imply with his quotations that he does not accept the scientific justification for Japanese whaling.
The problem is that diplomacy has failed for 23 years to get Japan to stop their illegal activities.
As long as Australia and other nations continue to “talk,” Japan continues to kill whales.
Diplomacy has worked quite well for Japanese whalers.
Diplomacy has utterly failed the whales and the interests of conservation.
The time for legal action was yesterday, certainly now and definitely not tomorrow.
Mr. Garrett has been threatening legal action for three years.
In January 2008, the Australian Federal Court ordered Japan to cease killing whales in the Australian Antarctic Territorial waters.
Japan is now in contempt of an Australian Federal Court order.
This is grounds for intervention by Australia.
Mr. Garrett argues that Japan does not recognize Australian sovereignty over the Australian Antarctic Territory.
Perhaps he has forgotten that Japan did not recognize Australian sovereignty of Australians over Australia in 1942.
Australia could also insist upon the ending of whaling in trade negotiations.
Australian iron ore, uranium, wood chips etc have a market elsewhere like in China.
Japan needs Australian resources more than Australia needs Japanese markets.
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Watson 船長のコメントは、(皮肉なのだが)日本の「調査捕鯨」に反対する各国政府の問題点を指摘してるんだよな。


で、Garrett 氏の返答の中には、Sea Shepherd による「調査捕鯨」団への抗議活動に参加してるメンバーの安全確保を要求している箇所があった。
それへの Watson 船長のコメントもなかなか激しかったのだが・・・。
以下、2009年12月25日分 blogs.myspace.com『Dear Peter Garrett』より、その部分を(略

---- 以下引用 ----
Peter Garrett:
I emphasize that the masters of the Sea Shepherd vessels are directly responsible for the actions and safety of all on board, including Australians and we call upon them to ensure that all vessels exercise restraint and ensure that safety on the seas is their highest priority.

Captain Paul Watson:
Actually safety on the high seas is our second highest priority.
Our first priority is the defense of the whales.
As for safety, we have the best safety record of any group operating down here in these waters.
One thing I do know is that illegal Japanese whaling will not be ended by politicians blabbing to each other at conferences.
The only language that Japan understands is economic.
Sea Shepherd is cutting quotas and negating profits.
The government of Australia is talking and talking and talking.
Sea Shepherd has saved the lives of over a thousand whales.
Peter Garrett has not saved the life of a single whale.
It is sad that the government of Australia is hostile to Sea Shepherd but we do have something better going for us, we have the support of the Australian people.
It would be nice to have been able to cooperate with Peter Garrett and we have certainly tried to do so but Peter is now to busy being the Minister of the Environment and therefore cannot meet with the only organization physically battling the illegal Japanese whalers in the Southern Ocean.
And thus we continue to defend the whales in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary by ourselves.
Somebody has to do it and if the government of Australia won’t then we have no other option than to continue to intervene directly and aggressively with the Japanese fleet.

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昨日になって、Watson 船長は「調査捕鯨」団の第二昭洋丸(+もう1隻?)に対しクリスマスを祝うための休戦(?)を提案したとか。
・Sea Shepherd Offers a Day of Truce to Japan for Christmas(2009年12月24日 Sea Shepherd)


以下の記事に trackback を送信。
・穏健捕鯨批判派が穏健反反捕鯨派に転向?/捕鯨関連ブログご紹介(2009年12月26日 クジラ・クリッピング)


