flagburner's blog(仮)


Memorandum about "A note from Roger Waters"(Aug 20, 2013)

2013-08-20 22:27:54 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
何か知らんが、ピンクフロイド(Pink Floyd)のボーカルことロジャー・ウォーターズ(George Roger WATERS)氏が、イスラエルに対するボイコットを呼びかける声明を書いてた模様。
・A note from Roger Waters - August 18, 2013(2013年8月18日 facebook.com)

つか、WATERS 氏は7年前からイスラエルへのボイコット運動(Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel:BDS)に参加してる模様。
とりあえず、2013年8月18日分 facebook.com『A note~』から声明の序盤部分を(略

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18th August 2013 Warsaw
To My Colleagues in Rock and Roll

Nigel Kennedy the virtuoso British violinist and violist, at The Recent Promenade Concerts at The Albert Hall in London, mentioned that Israel is apartheid.
Nothing unusual there you might think, then one Baroness Deech, (Nee Fraenkel) disputed the fact that Israel is an apartheid state and prevailed upon the BBC to censor Kennedy’s performance by removing his statement.
Baroness Deech produced not one shred of evidence to support her claim and yet the BBC, non political, supposedly, acting solely on Baroness Deech’s say so, suddenly went all 1984 on us.
Time to stick my head above the parapet again, alongside my brother, Nigel Kennedy, where it belongs.
And by the way, Nigel, great respect man.
So here follows a letter last re-drafted in July

25th July 2013
To My Colleagues in Rock and Roll.

In the wake of the tragic shooting to death of un-armed teenager Travon Martin and the acquittal of his killer Zimmerman, yesterday, Stevie Wonder spoke at a gig declaring that he will not perform in the State of Florida until that State repeals it’s “Stand your ground” Law.
In effect he has declared a boycott on grounds of conscience.
I applaud his position, and stand with him, it has brought back to me a statement I made in a letter I wrote last February 14th, to which I have referred but have never published.

The time has come, so here it is.

This letter has been simmering on the back burner of my conscience and consciousness for some time.
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ナイジェル・ケネディ(Nigel KENNEDY)氏の発言云々ってのは、今月8日に BBC が主催した "Late Night Prom" という公演でのこと。
今月23日に BBC Four がこの公演を放映する際、KENNEDY 氏の発言を扱わないということだが・・・。
・BBC To Cut Israel 'Apartheid' Comments From Nigel Kennedy Proms Broadcast(2013年8月16日 huffingtonpost.co.uk)

以下、2013年8月16日分 huffingtonpost.co.uk『BBC To Cut ~』から、KENNEDY 氏の発言と BBC 側の言い分について触れた部分を(略

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The BBC is to cut comments made by violinist Nigel Kennedy about "apartheid" in Israel when it broadcasts his Proms performance with Palestinian musicians on BBC Four.

The concert, at London’s Royal Albert Hall, featured 17 young musicians from the Palestinian Strings who performed Vivaldi’s Four Seasons with Kennedy on August 8.

As the applause rang out, Kennedy, who is a long-standing supporter of a cultural boycott of Israel, addressed the audience saying: "Ladies and gentlemen, it's a bit facile to say it but we all know from experiencing this night of music tonight that giving equality and getting rid of apartheid means there's a chance for amazing things to happen."

"Nigel’s comment to the audience at his Late Night Prom on 8 August will not be included in the deferred BBC Four Broadcast on 23 August because it does not fall within the editorial remit of the Proms as a classical music festival" a BBC spokesman told HuffPost UK.
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BBC の編集基準のどこに引っかかったのかくらい言って欲しいものだが・・・。
イスラエルが人種隔離政策を行ってるという KENNEDY 氏の発言自体が、「公平性に欠く」とでも言いたいんだろうか?


WATERS 氏は、声明の中で声明を書く少し前に起きた事について触れていた。
以下、2013年8月18日分 facebook.com『A note~』から声明の後半部分を(略

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1. Stevie Wonder.

Word came to me, the first week of last December that Stevie Wonder had been booked to headline at a gala dinner for the Friends of The Israeli Defence Force in LA on 6th December 2012.
An event to raise money for the Israeli armed forces, as if the $4.3,000,000,000 that we the US tax payers give them each year were not enough?
This came right after The Israeli defence Force had concluded yet another war on Gaza, (Operation Pillar of Defence), according to human rights watch, committing war crimes against the besieged 1.6 million Palestinians there.

Anyway, I wrote to Stevie to try to persuade him to cancel.
My letter ran along these lines, “Would you have felt OK performing at the Policeman’s Ball in Johannesburg the night after the Sharpeville massacre in 1960 or in Birmingham Alabama, to raise money for the Law Enforcement officers, who clubbed, tear gassed and water cannoned those children trying to integrate in 1963?”

Archbishop Desmond Tutu also wrote an impassioned plea to Stevie, and 3,000 others appended their names to a change .org petition.
Stevie, to his great credit, cancelled!

2. Earlier that week I delivered a speech at The United Nations.
If you are interested you can find this speech on YouTube.

The interesting thing about these two stories is that there was NOT ONE mention of either story in the mainstream media in the United States.

The clear inference would be that the media in the USA is not interested in the predicament of the Palestinian people, or for that matter the predicament of the Israeli people,.
We can only hope they may become interested as they eventually did in the politics of apartheid South Africa.
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つか、以前にも書いたと思うけど、名がそれほど知られていない人が BDS運動に参加するのはそれなりのリスクを背負ってるってのがなんとも。

おまけ:KENNEDY 氏が "Late Night Prom" で行った発言。


