flagburner's blog(仮)


Might U.S. Budget Proposals(2011) harm Tsunami Warning Center?

2011-03-12 19:46:53 | 時事ネタ(海外)
米下院:歳出5兆円削減法案を可決 上院との調整難航(2011年2月21日 毎日jp)

・米国:予算難航、米もねじれ 対立激化、政府機能停止も(2011年3月9日 毎日jp)
・Senate Rejects Competing U.S. Budget Proposals as Sides Remain Far Apart(2011年3月9日 bloomberg.com)

で、実は、予算案の削減対象に、太平洋津波警報センター(Pacific Tsunami Warning Center:PTWC)の元締め(?)である米国海洋大気局(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration:NOAA)への支出削減もある、なんて話が出てきたのだが・・・。
・Proposed GOP budget cuts target tsunami warning centers(2011年3月11日 cbsnews.com)

とはいえ、なんでこの話が今頃 cbsnews.com で?、という気がしないでもない。
・Republicans try to defund NOAA’s satellite program -- just as climate change is making the weather much more extreme.(2011年2月18日 climateprogress.com)

以下、2011年2月18日分 climateprogress.com『Republicans try to defund NOAA’s satellite program~』から、NOAA への支出額について触れてる部分を(略

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The GOP’s bill would tear $1.2 billion (21 percent) out of the president’s proposed budget for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA.
On the surface, cutting NOAA may seem like an obvious choice.
The FY 2011 request for the agency included a 16 percent boost over 2010 levels that would have made this year’s funding level of $5.5 billion the largest in NOAA’s history.

Even this total funding level, however, is woefully insufficient for an agency tasked with managing such fundamental resources as the atmosphere that regulates our climate, the 4.3 million square miles of our oceanic exclusive economic zone, the ecological health of coastal regions that are home to more than 50 percent of all Americans, response to environmental catastrophes including the Deepwater Horizon[BPの石油掘削施設のこと] oil spill, and fisheries that employ thousands of Americans and annually contribute tens of billions of dollars to the national economy.
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約 21% の削減、か[おまけ参照]。
米国共和党の方々にしてみれば、NOAA の予算要求額は削除するべき対象にしか思えないんだろうな。
とはいえ、NOAA の業務内容を理解した上で予算削減を決めた、とは思えないのだが・・・。

で、NOAA の予算削減に対して、傘下の気象局(National Weather Service)労働者組合(?)の理事長でもある Dan SOBIEN 氏は、津波警報サービスへの影響を懸念していた。
・GOP Budget Cuts Would Lead To Furloughs At Tsunami Warning Centers, Undermining Their ‘Ability To React’(2011年3月11日 thinkprogres.org)

以下、2011年3月11日分 thinkprogress.org『GOP Budget Cuts~』から、SOBIEN 氏のコメント部分を(略

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NOAA has put together part of a contingency plan to handle such a massive cut and while it spares tsunami buoys[観測用機器], all other coastal buoys are non funded and there will be furloughs at both Tsunami Warning Centers (TWC).
These furloughs will take away the TWC’s ability to upgrade tsunami models and will put considerable stress on watchstanders ability to react.
This plan unfortunately only account for about half the cuts that need to be made, about 60 of the 126 million that needs to be cut.
While today’s disaster is of particular concern to everyone, we are just now entering tornado season and soon will be hurricane season and our organization firmly believes any effort to defund and dismantle our nations early warning system for all disasters is very unwise.
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・Bill would make English official language of U.S. government(2011年3月11日 cbsnews.com)


・ Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011(Engrossed in House [Passed House] - EH を参照)(The Library of Congress)

以下、The Library of Congress から『TITLE III--COMMERCE, JUSTICE, SCIENCE, AND RELATED AGENCIES』のセクション1327~1328とセクション 1307 を(略
ただし、[] 内は俺の補足。

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Sec. 1307. Notwithstanding section 1101[TITLE I--GENERAL PROVISIONS に掲載], the level for `Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery' shall be $50,000,000.
Sec. 1327. (a) Notwithstanding section 1101, the level for `Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Operations, Research, and Facilities' shall be $2,850,883,000.

(b) The set-aside included in division B of Public Law 111-117 under the heading `Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Operations, Research, and Facilities' for projects specified in the explanatory statement accompanying that Act shall not apply to funds appropriated by this division.

Sec. 1328. (a) Notwithstanding section 1101, the level for `Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Procurement, Acquisition and Construction' shall be $1,455,353,000.
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合計すると、NOAA への割り当て予算は全部で 4,356,236,000 米ドルになる。


