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EU's Country Progress Report about Israel(2012):Negative campaign to Israel?

2012-05-16 21:45:13 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
今回は、EU がイスラエルの状況について述べた2つの見解をネタにする。

イスラエル政府が行ってるヨルダン川西岸地区 C 地区(Area C)に住んでるパレスチナの人達の家屋破壊について、欧州外相理事会(EU Foreign Affairs Council)がコメントを出していた。
・Press release 3166th Council meeting Foreign Affairs - Brussels, 14 May 2012 (Provisional version)(2012年5月14日 consilium.europa.eu;.pdfファイル)

C 地区ってのは、オスロ合意(Oslo Agreement)でヨルダン川西岸地区を分割された区域の1つ。
以下、2012年5月14日分 consilium.europa.eu『Press release 3166th Council~』P.11-P.12 から、C 地区について触れてる部分を(略

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5. The viability of a two-state-solution must be maintained.
The EU expresses deep concern about developments on the ground which threaten to make a two-state solution impossible:
– the worsening living conditions of the Palestinian population in Area C and serious limitations for the PA to promote the economic development of Palestinian communities in Area C, as well as plans of forced transfer of the Bedouin communities, in particular from the wider E1 area.

6. Concerning these developments, the EU reiterates its positions and determination to contribute to maintaining the viability of the two-state-solution in accordance with international law and its positions, including the conclusions of the EU Foreign Affairs Council in December 2009, December 2010 and May 2011:
--Social and economic developments in Area C are of critical importance for the viability of
a future Palestinian state, as Area C is its main land reserve.
The EU calls upon Israel to meet its obligations regarding the living conditions of the Palestinian population in Area C, including by accelerated approval of Palestinian master plans, halting forced transfer of population and demolition of Palestinian housing and infrastructure, simplifying administrative procedures to obtain building permits, ensuring access to water and addressing humanitarian needs.
The EU calls upon Israel to work together with the PA to allow more access and control of the PA over Area C.
The EU will continue to provide financial assistance for Palestinian development in Area C and expects such investment to be protected for future use.
The EU will engage with the Government of Israel to work out improved mechanisms for the implementation of the donor funded projects for the benefit of the Palestinian population in Area C.
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EU 各国の支援により C地区に建設 or 修復された家屋やインフラがイスラエルによって破壊されてる、という厄介な事態が度々起きてるため。
・EU Feels Force of Israeli Demolitions(2012年5月15日 IPSNEWS)

以下、2012年5月15日 IPSNEWS『EU Feels~』から中盤部分を(略

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On Feb. 13 of this year the Israeli army demolished an ancient water cistern which had been restored by the Polish NGO Humanitarian Action with funding from the Polish Foreign Ministry.
As is mostly the case, the Israeli army argued there was no permit to build the structure.
The Israeli Civil Administration and army maintain the right to demolish any structure that was built without such a permit.

But human rights organisations on the ground say it is almost impossible to obtain a permit.
According to recent UN data, less than one percent of Area C has been planned for Palestinian development by the Israeli Civil Administration and 94 percent of Palestinian permit applications to construct infrastructure have been rejected in recent years.

As a consequence of this policy, 10,000 Palestinian children in Area C and East Jerusalem were obliged to attend classes in tents, caravans or tin shacks at the start of the 2011 school year because of a lack of permits to build or renovate classrooms.

"The lack of permits is only one of different pretences to demolish," Ayman Rabi from the Palestinian Hydrology Group, the largest Palestinian NGO working on water and sanitation, tells IPS.
"The Israeli authorities also tell us regularly the area we are building in is a security area. In the end the demolishing does not have any legal basis."
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・・・実は、昨日 EU はイスラエルの状況に関する見解を公表していた。
・EU issues second document blasting Israel(2012年5月15日 jpost.com)
・ENP Package, Country Progress Report – Israel(2012年5月15日 europa.eu)

以下、2012年5月15日分 europa.eu『ENP Package~』から、そんな指摘の一部を(略

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Political dialogue and reform

・In the field of deep and sustainable democracy, a trend that became apparent in 2010 continued with an unprecedented number of bills that can be labelled as "discriminatory" or even "anti-democratic" being tabled in the Knesset.
The democratic process still ensures that many of these bills do not become law, but their number, and the little effort made by their proponents to hide the fact that they were intended to benefit or target specific individuals or organisations, is worrying.

・The adoption of an amendment to the law of defamation and a certain politicization of media appointments indicate a worsening climate for investigative journalism.
・Progress on the situation of the Arab minority was limited. Women’s rights have become the subject of increasing debate as a result of a more aggressive attitude on the part of the ultra-Orthodox groups.

・The EU remains one of the largest donors supporting Israeli civil society efforts to promote human rights and conflict resolution.
This exposes the EU to some public and government criticism.

Cooperation on justice, freedom and security

・Concerning justice and home affairs, the committee set up in 2010 at the Ministry of Justice to formulate a proposal for a comprehensive migration law has not completed its work.

・In January 2011, Israel introduced more restrictive procedural regulations for the treatment of asylum seekers.
The government seeks to deter as much as possible the entry of asylum seekers.
Israel grants asylum seekers from Eritrea and Sudan “group protection from deportation” but does not provide them with medical, welfare care and employment opportunities.

・Regarding trafficking of human beings, Israel continues to be a destination country for labour and sex trafficking.
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以下、2012年5月15日分 jpost.com『EU issues~』から終盤部分を(略

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One diplomatic official said that the report reflected more on the EU than on the realities on the ground.
It is all a question of focus, the official said.

To illustrate his point, the official said that if one wanted to paint Europe in a negative light, he could write a report underlining the rise of radical right-wing parties and interpreting that to mean that the fabric of European life was in danger.
On the other hand, one could instead also write a report showing how the European framework, so painstakingly cobbled together after World War II, survived even during a time of severe economic strain.

What was problematic about the EU report, he said, was that it chose to highlight and focus in on the negative aspects of the country.
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おまけ:国連人道問題調整事務所(OCHA)が公開していた、ヨルダン川西岸地区 C 地区の地図(再紹介)。
・West Bank: Area C Map(2011年2月22日 ochaopt.org;.pdfファイル)

・(上の地図の画面メモ(色の濃い部分が C地区))


