

Hong Kong Revolution: Freedom Vs. Equality   Happy Science Official

2019-09-18 16:23:40 | Happy Science


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 Hong Kong Revolution: Freedom Vs. Equality  

2019/09/17 に公開
Happy Science Official

Usually Marxism is not considered a religion, but its philosophy is indeed a superficial adaptation of the millennial kingdom of the Old Testament, so religion is the root of this ideology. Marx himself being Jewish, Old Testament concepts are hiding in his thinking, and this is the reason for the similarity between them.
The current battle is that of "freedom" against "equality". This is the real situation. Freedom and equality are now fighting.
The result of freedom is the development of the capacity gap between each individual. Then, prosperity, corruption and collapses appear. These are aspects of freedom. At the same time as wealth comes poverty and ruined people.
How about equality? As it cannot be achieved with a high standard of living, it becomes necessary to enact constraints under which everyone is forced to act in a uniform manner. But such a control system ends up being like totalitarianism. Totalitarian regimes operate in this fashion, and make everyone work in the same way.
How can we interpret the problem of this fight between freedom and equality?
Equality is a good thing, but seeking to promote it continuously leads to a world where the notion of effort has no place.
It's easy to turn a pyramid upside down and crush it, but it's extremely difficult to rebuild it.
Too big a gap between classes creates envy and leads to the crushing of the rich. From the point of view of equality alone, it ultimately comes down to "eliminating those who have made efforts".
Where the communist doctrine has developed, the same scenario has been repeated. This was seen under the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia. The mere fact of speaking French, proof of distinction, was punishable by death, just like being raised above others after studying abroad. The same situation occurred in China during the reign of Mao Zedong.
Thus, equality may resemble the ideal of humanity, but history shows that it could only be established in situations where poverty is shared equally.
Achieving results by effort alone cannot avoid inequality. This develops not only wealth, but also education, physical abilities and others, all of which can become sources of disparities. And these accumulated wealth create new powers.
Happy Science works primarily for peace, but sometimes we react strictly towards those who do evil.
But basically we don’t encourage violence, and accept the society where there may be certain inequalities due to the efforts made by each individual.
Thus, even if we cannot say that all are equal in terms of capabilities, we must be able to offer the same opportunities to all. Everyone seizes this opportunity based on their efforts, to achieve varied results. It's inevitable and that's our philosophy.
But on the other hand, if too many have failed and swelled the ranks of the underprivileged, there may be an increase in the crime rate that would destabilize society. It therefore seems acceptable to me to put in place appropriate measures of social welfare.
But beware, it is not in the mind of God or Buddha, to assist in the same proportion those who work hard and those who let themselves go.
What this means, in fact, is that while the odds are the same for everyone, the results of effort are judged on an equitable basis.

 政治評論部門で1位を目指します!真の保守ブログとして!! 現在にほんブログ村の政治評論部門で4位です!! (OUTポイント順で1位 INポイント順で4位です☆)

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