Collecting English Materials (英語素材募集中!)

General English, Specified English,英語の素材を募集中!

単語を少々 その2 (A few words No.002 (accounting-02))

2012-05-08 22:24:49 | 英語



  1. dividend                     (配当)

  2. stockholders' equity     (株主資本、純資産)

  3. gross margin               (粗利益、売上総利益)

  4. paid-in capital             (払込資本)

  5. accrued expenses         (未払費用)

  6. accrued revenue           (未収収益)

  7. unearned revenue         (前受収益)

  8. prepaid expense           (前払費用)

  9. raw materials               (原料)

 10. work-in-process           (仕掛品)




できましたら、キーワードはaccrued revenueやwork-in-processをお願いします。

How was it?

Please post some words to study (other than accountings are welcomed)!

If possible, I expect key-words are ‘accrued revenue’ and ‘work-in-process’.

単語を少々 その1 (A few words No1 (accounting-01))

2012-05-07 22:55:38 | 英語


 1. account receivable     (未収金)

 2. account payable        (未払金)

 3. income statement     (損益計算書)

 4. income summary       (損益)

 5. balance sheet            (貸借対照表)

 6. depreciation              (減価償却)

 7. amortization             (アモチゼーション、償却)

 8. net income                (純利益)

 9. book value                (簿価)

10.current liabilities         (流動負債) 


いかがでしたでしょうか? 見られた方は、単語(会計以外の分野もOK!)のコメントと投稿をお願いいたします。

How was it? 

 Please post some words to study (other than accountings are welcomed)!

コメントの投稿・リンク・引用について (Term of posting a comment, link, quotation )

2012-05-06 22:14:41 | 英語







Posting or linking to this blog is generally welcome as long as it is decent.

However, obscene or other harmful posting or linking will be refused or deleted.

I think quotation is basically no problem, but accuracy on the articles of this blog is not warranted because I am not a native English speaker.

Also, quotation which violates integrity or moral rights of author on the articles of this blog is refused.

Furthermore, Copyright law of Japan and international treaties valid in Japan are applied.

As long as the above is observed, posting comments and linking are welcome, but please notify the comments and linking in that cases.


Especially, posting from native people and advertising related to the articles are welcomed.


The book I am trying now (Multipliers)

2012-05-05 22:22:56 | 英語

私は、現在「マルチプリエラーズ」(リズ ワイズマン著、ISBN:978-0-06-196439-8)の読破に挑戦している。これはIT Mediaか何かのホームページで見つけたものである。





Now, I'm trying a book named 'multipliers' (The author is Liz Wiseman, ISBN: 978-0-06-196439-8).

This book gives me another world of producing innovative environment.

In short, this book distinguishes an innovation-and-production-increasing environment from ordinary non-productive one.

For most employees, the world of multipliers is a kind of a utopia and can't be seen from them (What a sad!). I also wonder how I can grasp that kind of world.

But, some day (like Martin Luther King Junior), I dream I can get the utopia.

はじめの一歩 (The first step)

2012-05-04 17:19:11 | 英語




 ということで、English Material 募集中!

For my occupational needs, I read English documents on legal affairs or accountings, and I make correspondence with related parties.

But, I don't have many chances to discipline the ability to express logical thinking or emotional feelings beyond my occupational backgrounds.

For us, Japanese people, I think a lot of people are in the same situation and a lot of people may be detained within school English and (so-called) general English.

That's why I began this blog and I'm seeking for English material donations for free. Native people applications are also welcome!