The Power of the Dream

The Power of the Dream

land more effectively

2013-07-11 14:30:09 | life

In the past, there had been little concern with increasing the productivity of private timberland because the supplies of forest products were very plentiful and timber lands still abundant.

This is no longer the case. Nationally, the timberland base has been shrinking while the demand for timber products is projected to sharply increase.

it's now necessary to increase the productivity of privately owned timberlands. To accomplish this, timber landowners and timber companies must manage their land more effectively.

know what your job is

2013-07-11 14:10:21 | life
When you send the CV for your application, include all certificates or job references you have from previous employers, which might be related to the activities and responsibilities for the position you are applying for.

Make a research for the company

Researching the company will give you important information about the past and the expected future of the company and their employment policy. You can mention some of the positive feedback you have managed to obtain about the company and its projects during the interview, as the HR person in charge of your interview might be delighted to hear a good word or two about their company efforts, as well as to know that you have done your homework and know the company.

Know the details related to the exact position you are applying for

Especially in the major companies with significant number of employees, it is very important to know exactly what your job is and what is expected from you. When you show during the interview that you are prepared exactly for the position you are applying for, it is more likely for the person leading the interview to take you seriously and to choose you and not someone else.