えびのエコミュージアムセンター ~天候・火山・交通情報~


外国人向けモニターツアー&レクチャー参加者募集♪Invitation to Lectures and Excursions、Monitor tour

2015年12月27日 | イベント情報


ウィンターモニターツアー 御池野鳥の森

【みどころ】 霧島山最大の火口湖御池の周辺には豊かな照葉樹林が広がり、野鳥の貴重な
【日  時】 平成28年2月13日(土)9:30~15:30 
【場  所】 宮崎県高原町・都城市 御池野鳥の森
【集合場所】 宮崎県高原町 御池キャンプ村
【対  象】 外国人、外国に滞在経験のある日本人など 計20名
【参加費】  100円
【参加者が持参するもの】 登山に適した服装と靴、弁当、飲み物、行動食、雨具、防寒着、常備薬 等
【その他】  1、当日は自然ガイドと英語通訳がご案内いたします。
 〒889ー4302 宮崎県えびの市末永1495-5 えびのエコミュージアムセンター
  TEL:0984-33-3002 FAX:0984-33-5914 

Lake Miike Wild Bird Forest Winter Monitor Tour

Date: Sunday, 13 February, 2016.
Time 09:30-15:30
Start: Miike Camp Village, Takaharu-cho, Miyazaki Prefecture.
Participants: 20 persons.
Fee: 100 yen.
Instructors: Two guides(English interpreter will also be provided).
Preparation: Please, bring bottled water, your lunch, medicines, clothes suitable for outdoor activities, rain gear, and writing utilities.
Note: In case of extreme weather, heavy rain or strong winds the tour will be cancelled.

Sign up & Inquiries: Ebino Eco Museum Center, TEL: 0984-33-3002 or just write a mail to ebin@bes.or.jp to sign up for the tour.

As a part of a project to improve the Kirishima-Kinkowan National Park facilities for foreign visitors we are especially inviting non-Japanese people staying or working in Japan.
Your voice may make the difference! See you there!

Organizer: These tours are arranged Natural Parks Foundation, Ebino Branch, Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan.
Access Problem? :If you are interested to participate in one of the monitor tours, but have difficulties to access Ebino Kogen (or Lake Miike) from your point of departure, please let us know!


【日 時】 平成28年1月24日(日)9:30~15:00 
【場 所】 宮崎県西諸県郡高原町 他
【対 象】 外国人、外国に滞在経験のある日本人 計20名
【参加費】 100円(保険料) ※交通費として、1名につき1,000円補助します。
【参加者がもってくるもの】 歩きやすい服装と靴、お弁当、飲み物、行動食、雨具、防寒着等
【講 師】 高原町 まちづくり推進課 大學 康宏氏
【備 考】 英語の通訳があります。


【日 時】 平成28年3月13日(日)9:30~15:00 
【場 所】 高千穂河原中岳自然探勝路
【対 象】 外国人、外国に滞在経験のある日本人 計20名
【参加費】 100円(保険料) ※交通費として、1名につき1,000円補助します。
【参加者がもってくるもの】 登山に適した服装と靴、弁当、飲み物、行動食、雨具、防寒着等
【講 師】 鹿児島大学理工学域理学系理工学研究科 井村 隆介准教授
【備 考】 英語の通訳があります。

Tel:0984-33-3002 Fax:0984-33-1108 Mail:ebin@bes.or.jp
〒889-4302 宮崎県えびの市末永1495-5 えびのエコミュージアムセンター

Lecture and Excursion 1: The History and Mythology of Mount Kirishima.

Mt. Takachihonomine is the native land of the Japanese mythology where the grandson of the sun goddess is descending to earth. Those legends are also transmitted to the present in ancient Shinto music and dancing. We will also introduce the Tanokansa, the god of the mountains and the rice fields.

Date: Sunday 24 January, 2016 ; Time: 9:30~15:00
Meeting Place: Town Hall of Takaharu-cho, Nishimorokata-gun, Miyazaki Prefecture.
Participants: 20 people: Fee: 100 yen
Preparations: Participants should bring bottled water (or other drinks), your lunch, medicines, warm comfortable walking clothes and shoes, rain gear, writing utilities, etc.
Lecturer:Yasuhiro Daigaku, Takaharu town development promotion section. English interpreter will be provided.
Schedule: 9:30 Welcome and Lecture; 12:00 Lunch; 13:00 Local excursion; 14:30 Meeting and discussion; 15:00 End.

Lecture and Excursion 2: The Volcanos and Nature of Kirishima.

A volcanologist will lecture about the history and more recent volcanic activities of Kirishima. In addition, we will also learn about the nature of Kirishima, such as plants that live in the volcanic area.

Date: Sunday, 13 March, 2016; Time: 9:30~15:00
Meeting Place: Takachihogawara, Park Service Center.
Destination: Takachihogawara, Mt. Nakadake Nature Trail.
Participants: 20 people; Fee: 100 yen
Preparations: Participants should bring bottled water (or other drinks), your lunch, medicines, warm comfortable walking clothes and shoes, rain gear, writing utilities, etc.
Lecturer: Ryusuke Imura, Associate Professor, Kagoshima University, Department of Science and Engineering. Note: English interpreter will be provided.
Schedule: 9:30 Welcome and Lecture; 12:00 Lunch; 13:00 Excursion; 14:30 Meeting and discussion; 15:30 End.

Inquiries: Ebino Eco Museum Center, TEL: 0984-33-3002 or just write a mail to ebin@bes.or.jp to sign up for the tour. Please include your name, age, and contact information (address, telephone or/and email).

Background: In recent years the number of visitors from abroad has been increasing. This trend is expected to continue also in the future. For that purpose, and to increase the knowledge of this unique natural asset, our primary target is to invite foreigners staying in Japan (or Japanese with experience of living abroad) to our study meetings were we can learn more and exchange knowledge of the nature and culture of Kirishima. The idea is to attract visitors and share knowledge and experience the nature and mythology of Kirishima area of the Kirishima Kinkowan National Park, one of the first designated national parks of Japan.

Organizer: These tours are arranged by Natural Park Foundation, Ebino Branch, Miyazaki, Japan.
Access Problem?:We offer an allowance of 1,000 yen per person to support transportation costs.If you are interested to participate but have difficulties to access the destination, please contact us!


