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CE0Y 1月20日まで

2008-01-16 22:04:41 | Weblog
CE0Y/LA6IKA, Svein, is operating from Easter Island until January
20th. Afterwards he will then go over to Juan Fernandez Island where
he will be QRV as CE0Z/LA6IKA from January 22nd to 29th. Svein is on
vacation and did not take a lot of equipment. He will only be on 14
MHz and above. His IC-703 runs 10 watts max into his sloping dipole.
Keep an ear out for him on 14010 around 0000 and 1200Z. Also try
listening on 21010 and 28010 on CW and on PSK try 14070, 21070 and
28120. He has a Web page at
. QSL via LA6IKA.


2008-01-16 06:31:24 | Weblog
AA8LL, Wade, will operate as AA8LL/4 from Cedar Key (NA-076), FL from
January 19th to 23rd. This will be a holiday style operation on 7 to
21 MHz, mostly on CW on the IOTA frequencies, as well as RTTY
activity. He will try to get K8LIZ/4 (his XYL) to operate some
SSB. QSL direct or via the bureau to AA8LL. Logs will also go to

ZA 4月22日から

2008-01-16 06:25:22 | Weblog
Franck, F4DTO , along with his father Patrick, will be active from Elbassan, Central Albania, under ZA/F4DTO, callsign, between April 22nd to May 3rd, 2008.

Bands : 20, 17 and emphasis on 10m.
Modes : SSB, using a FT100, ½ Wave vertical on 10m and dipole on other bands.
QSL only direct ( bureau cards are not delivered to Frank) See address on QRZ.COM.
Please enclose SAE + postage (1$ or 1 valid IRC for Europe, 2$ or 1 valid IRC for elsewhere.)

Frank has a web page at : http://monsite.orange.fr/f4dto