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BS7H QSLの発送は7月上旬から

2007-06-10 09:03:45 | Weblog
June 9, 2007

LOTW upload for donors

Today the BS7H team uploaded to the ARRL LOTW website a partial log containing QSOs for those DXers who supported BS7H with donations sent either via the website credit card procedure or thorough the mail in form off the website.

This was a special "Thank You" to those who made the effort to support our operation. The cutoff date of this log is as of today's website
donation listing.

The there will be additional periodic uploads of the log to LOTW as QSLing proceeds and a full upload will be done as soon as the bulk of the direct QSLs are answered.

Direct cards are expected to start going out in early July.

The 2007 DXpedition to Scarborough Reef again wishes to thank those who helped make this happen. We could not have done it without your support.

The 2007 BS7H Team