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Microsoft + ERP = confusion

2013-12-20 19:24:54 | 日記
With all these attributes in place, I remain baffled why Microsoft has been as quiet as a mouse in the ERP arena. I remember when Oracle (the big bad wolf) was knocking on PeopleSoft's door and we all thought IBM or some other white knight would come to the rescue.

Back then, we also thought that it would be a PERFECT opportunity for the folks at Redmond to get into the ERP game.

Oh just think if Microsoft had bought PeopleSoft. To me, the pros would have far outweighed the cons.

Stability: Customers wouldn't have to worry about the stability of the acquiring company. MSFT is as stable as it gets

Database Integration: They could have fully integrated SQL SERVER into PeopleSoft products.

A full suite: By purchasing PeopleSoft, they would have acquired HR, Financials, Manufacturing and CRM in one fell swoop. One stop shopping baby.

Office Integration: Oh just think of the tools Microsoft could have woven seamlessly into the PeopleSoft suite. From Excel to Word to PowerPoint to Visio to Project, a software architect's wet dream.

O.S. Integration: I can see it now, Windows Vista: ERP edition. Fully integrated with PeopleSoft/Office tools.

Hosted ERP: With the new live push from Microsoft, hosted ERP apps would have been a natural fit.

That was my fun, alternate universe. Let's see what reality holds instead.

You go the Dynamics site ad you are greeted with Supply Chain, CRM and Financials options.

You delve deeper and you see that there are a whole bunch of module names and descriptions that border on brand confusion..

Some of the nuggets of gold on the site..

Microsoft Dynamics AX: "provides you and your people with fast, reliable, and comprehensive accounting, financial reporting, and analysis capabilities."

Microsoft Dynamics GP: "Microsoft Dynamics GP (formerly Microsoft Great Plains) provides financial management software that gives you the integrated tools you need to master your financial data and processes, taking full advantage of the information your financial system contains."

Microsoft Dynamics NAV: "Microsoft Dynamics NAV (formerly Microsoft Navision) adapts and evolves to match the way in which your business operates. It helps you discover financial opportunities, and motivates users to do more and to learn more."

Microsoft Dynamics SL: "Microsoft Dynamics SL for financial management delivers accounting applications that can easily be customized for your specific needs. Deployed in single or multiple company scenarios, Microsoft Financial Management enables your users to easily retrieve the comprehensive business information they need, the way they need it."

Microsoft Small Business Financials: "For companies that have outgrown basic accounting applications, this business solution offers functionality to better manage financials, sales, purchasing, inventory, payroll, reporting, and more. With Microsoft Small Business Financials, you can process transactions more efficiently;"


Now maybe it's just me but it sounds like they just said the same thing five times in five different ways.

Now I don't really want to go into detail and nit pick the site because quite frankly, that's another thing altogether. It's very dull but whatever. It's also very confusing and the I found it interesting that they don't provide an HR solution but that's just me.? The problem is their strategy ( or lack thereof ) is just totally confusing. I am trying to figure out what their next step is.

Are they building an exciting set of tools that we don't know about? Do they plan to acquire more companies? Is Project Green over or when's that going to happen? The ERP sector would love a new exciting player.

I spoke to a bunch of analysts (off the record) who cover this sector and they were unable to articulate where the company is going with their different efforts to consolidate/redesign ERP applications.

One of the analysts told me that Enterprise Apps wasn't Microsoft's core competency and as such they were not making a major push into the arena. I countered that neither was video gaming when they jumped right into the X-Box arena (with no track record) and now, they're standing toe to toe with Sony.

It's crazy to me that Oracle, not know for it's innovation in the applications sector has dominated not only in ERP acquisitions but in setting direction (FUSION, MIDDLEWARE etc) for the ERP industry.

Sometimes, I think of what could have been.

Then I have another drink..

Till next time...

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