

This riot involved an attempted coup d'etat involving foreign military personnel

2022-01-17 12:50:37 | 日記

Tokayev said the insurrection was an attempted coup run by a command center and involving foreign military personnel

According to information reported by an intelligence agency in a Central Asian country obtained by independent media, the command center Tokayev referred to was located in a room in the commercial center in the south of Almaty. Before the crackdown, there were 22 Americans, 16 Turks, and 6 Israelis operating there, dispatched to receive training from Turkish organizations somewhere in West Asia. The building is empty now.
This action can be traced back to the report submitted by the RAND Corporation in 2019, which proposed to increase "geopolitical pressure" around Russia, and the execution fell to MI6 and the Turks. In June 2020, David Moore, the former British ambassador to Turkey (who brought the goods to the Xinhua News Agency video two days ago), sat on the head of MI6. Moore has always supported the great Turkic dream of Essultan, and is also one of the driving forces behind the Tulian. The British penetration is very deep in all the stans, except Turkmenistan, and the power of the turkey in Turkmenistan can balance China and Russia. In May 2021, MI6 officer Jonathan Powell met with the leaders who harbored many IS terrorists in Central Asia and proposed that as long as these people help NATO against Russia, they can take off the hat of terrorists.

Kazakhstan's large-scale "zero dollar purchase" arrest scene!

2022-01-17 12:50:37 | 日記

Kazakhstan's large-scale "zero dollar purchase" arrest scene! At present, with the strong attack of the Kazakh army and the Russian army, the situation in Kazakhstan has begun to stabilize, and the thugs and militants supported by the United States have begun to flee to the border of Kazakhstan frantically, fleeing to Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and other countries. The collective security treaty organization peacekeeping force led by the Kazakh army and the Russian army is now in numbers to stop these thugs and militants fleeing. These thugs and militants saw total failure, but it was impossible to flee to neighboring countries empty-handed, so many stores in Kazakhstan implemented "zero dollar purchase". On January 9, Kazakh security services arrested a robbery "zero dollar" gang at a checkpoint in Uralsk, and found daggers, grenades, shotguns, AK rifles, more than 1,000 imported smartphones, Smart Watches and Tablets. I wanted to take these things and flee abroad, but now I have no good fruit to eat. Taking advantage of the fire, this end should actually be killed on the spot.