

Pork or Friend?(PART 3 OF 3)

2013-03-30 14:34:54 | 食べ物・料理・食材

Pork or Friend?(PART 3 OF 3)

If you've got some time,

Please read one of the following artciles:

"Midnight in Vancouver"

"Madame Lindbergh"

"Dead Poets Society"

"Letters to Diane"

"Taliesin Studio"

"Wright and Japan"

"Taliesin Banzai"

"Memrory Lane to Sendai"

"Aunt Sleepie"

"Titanic @ Sendai"



"Roly-poly in the wild"

"Silence is dull"

"Zen and Chi Gong"

"Piano Lesson"

"Dangerous Relation"

"Electra Complex"


"Covent Garden"

"Fatal Relation"

"Notre Dame"

"Anne Frank"

"Biker Babe"

"Diane Girdles the Globe"

"Diane in Casablanca"

"Infidelity Neighbourhood"

"Forest Bathing"

"Enjoy Ramen!"

"Sex, Violence, Love"

"Halifax to Vancouver"

"A Thread of Destiny"

"Fujiyama Geisha"

"Beaver Lake"

"God is Near!"

"Holy Cow@Rose Garden"

"Vancouver Earthquake"



"You Love Japan, eh?"

"Eight Bridges"

"First Love"

"Fright on Flight"

"Boy's Movie"

"From Summer to Eternity"

"Sōseki & Glenn Gould"

"Dream Dream Dream"

"In Search of Your Footprint"

"Little Night Music"

"Merry X'mas"

"Happy New Year!"

"Long live Diane!"

"Mona Lisa"

"Flu Shot"

"Selfish TD Bank"

"Talk with Mozart"

"Bliss for Diane!"

"Romantic Bohemian"

"TD Bank or Mozart?"

"Diane@TD Bank"

"Tear Jerker"

"Diane in Chorus Line"

Hi, I'm June Adams.

In 1691, Engelbert Kaempfer visited Edo as part of the annual Dutch embassy from Dejima in Nagasaki.

He journeyed from Nagasaki to Osaka, to Kyoto, and eventually to Edo (today's Tokyo).

Kaempfer gives us information on Japan during the early reign of Tokugawa Tsunayoshi ("Dog Shogun").

As the Dutch embassy entered Edo in 1692, they asked to have an audience with Shogun Tsunayoshi.

While they were waiting for approval, a fire destroyed six hundred houses in Edo, and the audience was postponed.

Tsunayoshi and several of the ladies of the court sat behind reed screens, while the Dutch embassy sat in front of them.

Tsunayoshi took an interest in Western matters, and apparently asked them to talk and sing with one another for him to see how Westerners behaved.

Tsunayoshi later put on a No drama for them.








『軽井沢タリアセン夫人 - 小百合物語』




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