TLEAいのちの冠福岡教会のHot News ☆ Church's news


フェスタ終了 The Festa is over

2012-10-14 22:01:18 | 孤児院


 Today also "Fukuoka Creating of Mutual Aid Society Festa" has been held, an panel exhibition of NPO the Cornerstone Orphanage was held, too. We appreciate Asymmetry International' help for introducing this work. Photo: Yesterday's pictures.



2012-10-14 21:52:31 | メッセージ


Pastor Isaiah Makoto Kihara delivered message from Matthew 25:21, that God increases many things for those who are faithful over a few things. I forgot to take a photo, so I uploaded the flowers on the alter.

長崎カリスマ聖会 Nagasaki Charismatic Meeting

2012-10-14 21:42:46 | カリスマ聖会


Nagasaki Charismatic Meeting was held with people from all Kyushu area. From today on, a fasting prayer meeting has begun for a week. Photo:a special praise of Yamazato Gospel Club