リボーン・ライフ in バギオ - Reborn Life in Baguio, Philippines -


台風17号(ペドリン)がバギオを直撃 -“Bagyong PEDRING” hit Baguio City squarely. (Typhoon Nesat)

2011-09-27 21:18:18 | バギオ Baguio City, Philippines

Baguio City’s Coordinates:  16°25N (北緯)
120°36E (東経)



Baguio is the seat of government of the Cordillera Administrative Region. The name of the city is derived from the word “Bagiw” in Ibaloi, the indigenous language of the Benguet Region, meaning “flowering moss”(豊富にある苔類)



Typhoons in the Philippines are locally called “Bagyo”.

The term “Bagyo”, a Tagalog word meaning typhoon arose after a 1911 storm in the city of Baguio had a record rainfall of 46 inches within a 24-hour period.



Today, Typhoon No.17 (Nesat), “Bagyong Pedring” (Filipino name) hit Baguio City squarely. The powerful typhoon has struck the northern Philippines, killing at least eight people.


@13:00, Sep. 27, 2011 by http://www.jma.go.jp/jp/typh/

The Coordinates of Typhoon “Pedring” at 13:00 hours is 16°25N and 121°20E.
It’s located almost above Baguio City.


@14:00, Sep. 27, 2011 by


Bagyong Pedring sa Baguio City - Video - GMA News Online

Typhoon Nesat "Pedring" bashes Philippines (Manila bay Area)