

PS3 vs Wii - Apple style!

2007年04月10日 22時51分32秒 | 心に移りゆくよしなし事

CMはこちら (1分24秒)





W: Hello, I'm a Wii.
P: And I am a Play Station 3.
(そして私がPlay Station 3よ。)
W: I like go-carts.
P: My interests are World War 2 Combats, Karaoke and tackle football.
W: I'm just as cute as button.
P: Well, I'm educated and worldly. But if you're just looking to have good time,
good luck and figuring out which buttons of mind to push. And by the way, my
vibrating features have been disabled.

W: All you have to do is just touch me and you'll have the time of your life.
P: But I'm multi-layered, well-rounded for multiple players and ready to rule your
life with all my multi applications and multi ambitions. I am large and encharge.

W: I'm just peppy.
P: Ya, well people know I mean business by how expensive I am. Good thing costs
good money.
W: I'm cheep and fun.
P: Have you ever even heard of the Blue-lay? It's the future! High definition of 
the human experience like you've never seen! Ooh!

(ブルーレイって聞いたことある!? これって未来なのよ!! 人類史上、今まで見たことのないような高解像度なのよ! ああ、もう!)
W: See you soon!


6 コメント

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Unknown (Jeff)
2007-04-11 07:46:34
That's such an awesome video =) I sent that to you, didn't I?
Hi! (yukita)
2007-04-11 20:18:50
Jeff, thank you for visiting my blog.
Oh yes, this video is what you sent to me.
I love this video so wanna show it to my Japanese friends.

My transcript is correct? There are some parts that I am not sure. If any, please let me know.
Hello :) (Jeff)
2007-04-12 13:58:45
You got it pretty much. There were a few changes:

Well, I'm educated and worldly.
I'm just peppy. (energetic/lively/high energy)
Ya, well people know I mean business
... High definition of the human experience like you've never seen!
Thank you! (yukita)
2007-04-12 20:30:03
Great! It got clear!
I made corrections on the article.
Unknown (月)
2007-04-12 21:10:24
Unknown (yukita)
2007-04-14 00:19:48