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Player anger hit the referee The referee at the counter assault

2016-09-27 17:27:34 | FIFA NEWS
The referee was wearing a white shirt to show the player a red card, but his teammates could not stand, the black players with 35 direct uppercut toward the front of the call in the past, see the potential mate immediately after opened the brutal abuser.
The violence has fifa 17 coins been cancer football recently in Africa occupation football league development standardization, not systematic, and the emergence of stadium violence. It was a Zimbabwe regional league, after a player was the referee produced a red card, has gone crazy beat the referee, being crit referee also fought back, the two sides not resigned to playing second fiddle, together in the scuffle.
But it was an FUT coins unprovoked attack after the referee is instantly angered, he must fight through the crowd toward the perpetrators with a punch, but this one is free to swing around, rushed to the two white teammates hold open, this avoids the situationfurther.

