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★ 善き出来事の聖母(好結果の聖母)、15

2016-07-09 04:50:18 | 好結果の聖母

★ 善き出来事の聖母(好結果の聖母)、15
Dr.Marian Therese Horvat"Our Lady of Good Success: Prophecies for Our Times"








Dr.Marian Therese Horvat"Our Lady of Good Success: Prophecies for Our Times"

An Order for a Statue to Be Made

 For this reason, Our Lady continues, “it is the wish of my Mother Holy Son that you command a statue of me to be made, just as you see me now, and that you place it upon the throne of the abbess so that I may govern my convent. In my right hand place the crosier and keys to the cloister as a sign of my proprietorship and authority.

 “In my left arm place my Divine Child: first, so that men understand how powerful I am in placating the Divine Justice and obtaining mercy and pardon for every sinner who comes to me with a contrite heart, for I am the Mother of Mercy and in me there is only goodness and love’ and second, so that throughout time my daughter will see that I am showing and giving to them my Mother Holy Son and their God a s a model of religious perfection. They should come to me, for I will lead them to Him.”

 Then the Heavenly Queen told Mother Mariana that she would give her the exact measurements for her height so that the statue could be made just as she appeared there. She asked Mother Mariana to remove the cord that the religious wore around her waist and to give her one end of it. Mother Mariana held one end of the cord, placing it at the feet of the Queen of Angels. Our Lady took the other end and handed it to the Child Jesus, Who touched His end to the top of Our Lady’s forehead. The cord, which was too short, miraculously stretched to the exact height of His mother.

 When Mother Mariana protested that she could never sufficiently describe the beauty of her heavenly mother, Our Lady promised the help of St. Francis and the Archangels in the making of her statue. Before she left, the Blessed Virgin told Mother Mariana that he holy captivity would end very soon. Enheartened by this vision, Mother Mariana wakened her daughters to pray the Little Office.

 That day at the hour of Sext, 3 p.m., Mother Mariana and the other founding mothers saw and immense dragon, whose large eyes spit fire at the observant sisters. The monster prowled everywhere but could not enter either the choir or the prison. Then they saw their seraphic father Francis with a bow, shooting flaming arrows at the dragon. Wounded and anguished, the dragon caused the earth to open and then withdrew into this abyss. At this very moment, a long tremor of the earth occurred, which caused fear among the non-observant sisters and the inhabitants of the city. Shortly afterward, Mother Valenzuela, who was acting as prioress during Mother Mariana’s imprisonment, decided that things had gone too far. Pressured by the rebellious sisters, she had ordered Mother Mariana’s imprisonment, but afterward she had repented her action when she had realized the depth of their malice toward the angelic founding mothers. Mother Valenzuela, a native religious from a good family in Quito, was not a bad intentioned religious, but very weak in character and thus able to be influence by the rebellious sisters. Now, however, she took courage, exerted her influence and obtained an order for the release of the holy and innocent prisoners and the reinstatement of Mother Mariana as prioress.


★ 善き出来事の聖母(好結果の聖母)、16

2016-07-09 04:49:30 | 好結果の聖母

★ 善き出来事の聖母(好結果の聖母)、16
Dr.Marian Therese Horvat"Our Lady of Good Success: Prophecies for Our Times"

第3章 善き出来事の聖母のご像は大天使たちによって完成した



★ マザーマリアナ、主に修道女の救霊を乞い求める





Dr.Marian Therese Horvat"Our Lady of Good Success: Prophecies for Our Times"

Chapter 3 The Statue of Our Lady of Good Success

Is Completed by the Archangels

 After Mother Mariana and the other founding mothers were released from prison, a full investigation was made to uncover the false accusations. When the bishop learned how he had been fooled, he ordered that the leader of the insurrection, La Capitana, be imprisoned for the rest of her life as a lesson to others and to avoid further insurrections.

 La Capitana, however, could not submit to this humiliation. Instead of recognizing her errors and asking for pardon, she became hardened in hr pride, bitterness and anger, which were directed with particular vehemence against Mother Mariana. The health of the rebellious sister declined as she refused all foods, and in fits of madness, she screamed, blasphemed, cursed and hit her head against the walls. Through Mother Mariana’s intervention, the bishop gave permission for La Capitana to be moved from the prison to the infirmary. However, none of the sisters dared approach the rebellious sister. Mother Mariana assumed the office of nurse, showing to the violent sister every tenderness and kindness, which was returned by insults, slaps and spittle.

Mother Mariana Begs Our Lord to Save Her Sister

 Seeing the soul of her sister so near to perdition, Mother Mariana begged Our Lord for the salvation of these souls as she prayed before the Blessed Sacrament. She had been given to understand how the devil possessed this sinful soul and communicated to her the spirit of revolt, blasphemy, hate and despair. She realized that this obdurate sister would soon die and would be cast into the depths of hell.

 As she begged that the impenitent sister be saved, Our Lord appeared to Mother Mariana as He was in the Garden of Olives at the moment of His greatest suffering. She saw that the most intense interior torments of the Sacred Heart of Jesus were the ingratitude and indifference of those souls who, chosen among millions to be His spouses and ministers, left Him in grievous solitude. And this despite the fact that in the Holy Sacrament, He would live under the same roof with His spouses and come into the hand of His priests at the simple call of their voices at the most solemn moment of the Consecration.

 At Mother Mariana’s supplication to made amends for her guilty sister, Our Lord agreed that La Capitana would be saved, although she would be required to remain in purgatory until the end of th world. In recompense, Mother Mariana would suffer on earth for five years the pains of hell that were reserved for La Capitana. Mother Mariana knew well through Tradition, Scripture and the teachings of the Church of the terrible torments of the damned. For eternity they suffer both the pain of the senses and the far worse pain of the loss of the beatific vision.

 At the end of La Capitana’s long illness, the unhappy sister was given to understand her miserable condition, became contrite and made a general confession. She became a model of humility and piety and died one year after the death of Mother Mariana.


★ 善き出来事の聖母(好結果の聖母)、17

2016-07-09 04:48:51 | 好結果の聖母

★ 善き出来事の聖母(好結果の聖母)、17
Dr.Marian Therese Horvat"Our Lady of Good Success: Prophecies for Our Times"





Dr.Marian Therese Horvat"Our Lady of Good Success: Prophecies for Our Times"
Five Years Suffering the Torments of Hell

 Shortly after La Capitana’s heart had been touched by God’s merciful grace, Mother Mariana began to fulfill the sentence that she had undertaken for the conversion of this rebellious sister. For five years, she suffered the stench of hell that tortured her sense of smell. Her sight was constantly tormented with the presence of the devil; the blasphemies of the damned were always present to her ears; her touch was chastised with acute pains; her sense of taste was embittered by every morsel of food that she was swallowed. But the greatest suffering was the pain of loss. Without ceasing the love Our Lord with all the intensity of which she was capable, she nonetheless felt the unbearable absence of Him and felt that she was forever severed for Him. Throughout this long five years that seemed an eternity, she never lost her lovely calm and expression of peace and serenity, and she continued to meticulously follow the rule and her rigorous life of prayer and sacrifice.

 At the end of the five years, Mother Mariana called together the remaining founding mothers, who in spirit had accompanied her suffering with their prayers, sacrifices and penances. She told them: “Alas, my sisters! How terrible hell is! No words can describe it!”


★ 善き出来事の聖母(好結果の聖母)、18

2016-07-09 04:48:17 | 好結果の聖母

★ 善き出来事の聖母(好結果の聖母)、18
Dr.Marian Therese Horvat"Our Lady of Good Success: Prophecies for Our Times"




Dr.Marian Therese Horvat"Our Lady of Good Success: Prophecies for Our Times"

Our Lady Commands That a Statue Be Made

 It was the year 1610, and Mother Mariana was again wisely governing the Royal Convent of the Immaculate Conception in Quito. But Our Lady complained to this predilect daughter that she should no longer delay in ordering her statue to be made and place on the abbess’ chair, where she, as absolute mistress, mother and prioress of the convent, would govern her community until the end of time.

 In the early morning of January 20 at her customary prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, Mother Mariana received a visit from three messengers from heaven, St. Michael, St. Gabriela and St. Raphael, who came to strengthen her heart and mind in preparation for a visit from their Heavenly Queen. Shortly after, Our Lady appeared carrying her Son in her left arm, and in her right hand, the beautiful jeweled crosier. Our Lady first prophetically showed Mother Mariana all the faithful and unfaithful religious who would live in her convent, from the first to the last, until the end of time. At Mother Mariana’s great sorrow to see that some of her daughters would lose their souls, Our Lady consoled her by reminding her of the enormous number of faithful souls “who here in my beloved convent will live and die in self-abnegation and isolation, practicing the solid virtues in heroism and hidden sanctity. Through them in the future centuries, as well as through you in these times, Divine Justice will be stayed.”


★ 善き出来事の聖母(好結果の聖母)、19

2016-07-09 04:47:44 | 好結果の聖母
★ 善き出来事の聖母(好結果の聖母)、19
Dr.Marian Therese Horvat"Our Lady of Good Success: Prophecies for Our Times"

★ 20世紀における大きな危機









Dr.Marian Therese Horvat"Our Lady of Good Success: Prophecies for Our Times"

A Great Crisis in the 20th Century

 Our Lady continued: “Thus do I make it known to you that from the end of the 19th century and especially in the 20th century, in what is today the Colony and then will be the Republic of Ecuador, the passions will erupt and there will be a total corruption of customs, for Satan will reign almost completely by means of the Masonic sects. They will focus particularly on the children in order to achieve this general corruption. Woe to the children of these times! It will be difficult to receive the Sacrament of Baptism, and also that of Confirmation. Making use of person in positions of authority, the devil will assiduously try to destroy the Sacrament of Confession…

 “The same will happen with Holy Communion. Alas! How deeply I grieve upon manifesting to you the many and horrible sacrileges ? both public and also secret - that will occur from profanations of the Holy Eucharist! Often during this epoch, the enemies of Jesus Christ instigated by the demon, will steal consecrated hosts form the churches to that they might profane the Eucharistic Species. My Most Holy Son will see Himself cast upon the ground and trampled upon by irreverent feet.”

 She then promised to preserve faithful souls in this convent who would make amends for these terrible sins and blasphemies. “But in these times that I now make known to you, the favor I have dispensed toward you will become known, “ she prophesied. “And when this happens, the knowledge of, and devotion to, my sacred statue will also come to light. Thus, today I categorically order you to have it made. Let it be made just as you see me and place it up on the abbess’ seat so that I may govern and direct my daughters and defend my convent, for Satan, making use of both the good and the evil, will engage in a fierce battle to destroy it.”

 Once again the Queen of Heaven gravely told Mother Mariana that this battle would reach its most acute stage because of various unfaithful religious, who, “under the appearance of virtue and bad-spirited zeal, would turn upon the Religion that had nourished them at her breast.”
