English for apes

Sleep on firewood. Lick bitter liver. Expose test results.

腹が立ったら英作文の巻 If you feel annoyed, write in English.

2018-02-04 16:42:27 | Self-help - Not!
I have just read a book titled “Five capabilities to become successful in the world which ex-deputy chief correspondent at Tokyo branch of Financial Times enlighten you”.

Some Japanese who have studied abroad tend to criticise other Japanese who have never lived outside of Japan. The author was one of the some.

It seemed to me that the “world” which the author mentioned in the book was very small.

It was unexpected to find such an old-fashioned newly published book in the end of "Heisei" period.

If I were a bit younger, I would have cursed at the book with the most impolite words and phrases.

I hate so-called “self-help” books, because I accidentally fail to choose absolute rubbish.

It is interesting that “self-help” books are popular in America, but in Britain.

No time to lose.(Monty Python) Go on to the next book.

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