English for apes

Sleep on firewood. Lick bitter liver. Expose test results.


2024-08-26 13:16:23 | Reading - local
I met several GenZs this summer. They are mix of Japanese and westerners.
I don't know recent indie bands, but Taylor Swift helped me to talk with them. I should have memorised some names before meeting them.

Why do Gen Z have such bad festival etiquette?
All Points East - APE

[quote] All Points East returns this weekend, after a stonking first installment from the 16-18 August [unquote]
stonking [Collins][British slang]of exceptional size or quality
installment [Collins]An installment of a story or plan is one of its parts that are published or carried out separately one after the other.

[quote] APE has never been better. The headliners received rave reviews, the production runs like a well-oiled machine [unquote]
never better
rave review [Collins]When journalists write rave reviews, they praise something such as a play or book in a very enthusiastic way.

infiltrate [quote] Now finally at the age to legally infiltrate festivals, they are gradually becoming our gig and partying peers. [unquote]

[quote] they really, truly, absolutely suck.[unquote] Indeed.
I didn't know Mitski is half Japanese.

brat green
What is Brat summer and did Kamala Harris just become its poster girl? How Charli XCX created 2024's new trend

Generation Z: born 1997-2012 - the oldest is 27 year old this year
Generation alpha: born 2013 - the oldest is 11 year old this year
Generation Y: born 1981-1996 - the oldest is 43 year old this year... daddy of GenZ teens and alpha


game over - time is up

2024-08-26 04:43:23 | Test preparation
I abandoned to take Cambridge English Test. I may take test sometime in the future, but not within the next year.
I keenly aware of my incompetence of studying English.

I will close the blog by the end of the next year, but I cannot keep the same title.
The new title is from this post.

English is the language of humans on the planet. AI speaks English better than monkeys nowadays.

If I study 3 hours every day, I may become a human in 3 years.
If I study 1 hours a day, I may become a human in 9 years.
If I study 3 hours a week, I may become a human in 21 years.
If I study 1 hour a week, I may become a human in 63 years.

I, monkey have to count the time.


2024-08-26 01:19:45 | Reading - world
I should to learn about the platform to understand the world.

Telegram app founder Pavel Durov to appear in court after arrest in Paris

miscalculate (accent)
messaging (accent)
due to [quote] Durov is due to appear in a French court later on Sunday
Le Bourget airport
Baku - Azerbaijan
[quote]Enough of Telegram’s impunity
enough (quantifier)
impunity [Collins]exemption or immunity from punishment or recrimination
[quote]Telegram has since diverged to become more of a social network in its own right [unquote]
more of [Collins]to a greater extent or degree
in one's own right [Collins]If someone is a successful or respected person in their own right, they are successful or respected because of their own efforts and talents rather than those of the people they are closely connected with.
moderate (UAE) << crack down (western government)
disseminate [Collins]To disseminate information or knowledge means to distribute it so that it reaches many people or organizations. [quote]allows users to create channels to disseminate information to followers
go-to [Collins] You use go-to to say that someone or something is the best person, place or thing for a particular purpose or situation. [quote]it had become the ‘go-to’ tool for Russian propagandists
ecosystem [quote]it was an ecosystem for the radicalisation of opinion
cesspit [quote]Telegram had become a cesspit of antisemitic content
behest - at sb's behest/ at the behest of sb [Collins]If something is done at someone's behest, it is done because they have ordered or requested it.
intel [Collins]Intel is military information collected about an enemy’s secret plans.

Who is Russian billionaire Pavel Durov, the Telegram messaging app founder detained in France?

[unquote]Durov said he would rather be free than to take orders from anyone.[quote]

I agree with Durov in terms of freedom, but Telegram made people more hostile and offensive and made the world more dangerous and vulnerable.
With freedom comes responsibility. He is not safe. So am I.