

Gods came from the East+Da Vinci is still alive

2014-10-12 10:03:40 | 謎の点と線byはやし浩司
Gods came from the way of the East(神々は東方からやってきた)

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/QQ6lIdCieJA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

History of Gods+Japan-Land is the Birthplace of Whole Civilizations
Origin of Humans by Z. Sitchin, Enki vs. Enlil(シッチン説による人間の起源、エンキとエンリル)
As far as I know, according to my reading, Ahura Mazda was the main spirit or heaven in the Zoroastrian religion of Iran (Persia). Enlil was the god of air in the religion of Sumer (Babylon) and Anu was the god of the heavens.
I do not know about the relationship between Iran and Sumer but I suppose they must be very close.
There are still believers of Zoroastrian religion in different countries. In India they are known as "Parsees". In modern Iran they suffer persecution from Islam.
(以上Dennis Kishere記)

Mystery of Clay Figures and Earthenware and its answer at Idoziri Acheological Museuma, Nagano, Japan. Jomon civilization is Father of other civilizations around the Pacific Ocean, including such as Maya, Inca and American Indians, and ALL!

どなたもアイデア、理論の盗用、流用、転用はできません。とくにマスコミ関係の方は、固く禁じます。No one can use my ideas and theories in any case.

Hiroshi Hayashi
Sep., 03rd,2014

屋久島,Yakushima,Sakura-jima,East,from the way of the East,神々は東方から,神は東洋から,エゼキエル,Ezekiel,旧約聖書,甲府,文明の発祥地,Birthplace of civilization,Ishtar,Queen of Night,Jomon,Kofu,縄文人,甲府,Sitchin,Cathars,holocaust,Zacharia Sitchin,ザカリア・シッチン,Mari,Serpent,origin of human-beings,Enki,Enlil,エンキ,エンリル,anu,anunnaki,Yahweh,Eden,EA,E.A.,Anunnaki,はやし浩司,Hiroshi Hayashi,half human,Enki,Enlil,Anu,アヌ,法隆寺のレプティリアン,釈迦堂,博物館,甲府,縄文,縄文時代,Spacesuits,clay figures with spacesuits,はやし浩司,土偶,Dogu,Idoziri,clay Figures,井戸尻, Alien in spacesuit,Hachinohe,Hakodate,Azteca,Maya,マヤの土偶,八戸,函館,Hiroshi Hayashi,Hamamatsu,Mystery,Ancient Civilizations,Jomon Earthernware,Mystery of Jomon Earthernware,UFO in Japan,UFO in ancient Japan,縄文,土器,縄文式土器,縄文式土器の謎,古代日本のUFO,

【Hiroshi Hayashi******Oct. 2014******はやし浩司・林浩司】

Da Vinci is still alive. Which story is a “Bullshit”? (ダビンチは今も生きている、どちらの話が荒唐無稽なのか?)
The Real Image of Leonardo da Vinci +Self Portraits of Leonardo da Vinci(ダビンチの自画像と実像)
This is Mr. Leonardo da Vinci(これがレオナルド・ダ・ビンチです。)

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/BedoIyoK9N4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

No one has been allowed to use my ideas in this video without my permission and names.

Oct.12th, 2014
Hiroshi Hayashi

Da Vinci, still alive,elongated skull,Reptilian,生きている,alive,bullshit,荒唐無稽,若いモナリザ,Self-portrait,real image of da Vinci,Self-portrait of da Vinci,Self portrait of Leonardo da Vinci,Self-portrait,da Vinci,self-portrait of da Vinci,Leonardo da Vinci,ダビンチの自画像,ダビンチの実像,Hiroshi Hayashi,はやし浩司,Real Image of da Vinci,L. da Vinci,Aliens,人肉,Reptilian,レプタリアン,daVinci,ダビンチ,骨格レプタリアン,レプティリアン,奇妙な動物,skelton,skelton frame,謎のダビンチ, 虚構のルネッサンス,Fake History of Renaissance,

【Hiroshi Hayashi******Oct. 2014******はやし浩司・林浩司】
