

Walt Dysney knew what L. da Vinci was + Mystery of Da Vinci's Painting

2014-04-08 18:42:40 | 謎の点と線byはやし浩司
Walt Dysney knew that L. da Vinci was a demon!
Mystery of mountains in the Davinci’s Paintings.(+mystery about Walt Disney)
Why did Walt Disney use the same mountain as the one painted by L. da Vinvi in his movie “Fantasia”, as a Devil’s Mountain. Please think about this mystery!

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/lVP2hqkHEdE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

But please keep it in your mind that no one is allowed to use my ideas and theories in any case without my permission and my names.

Hiroshi Hayashi
Satoshi Morimoto
April 08th, 2014

Demon’s Mountain,悪魔の山,Ball’s Pyramid,Kata Tjuta,Florence,Disney’s Mountain,Fantasia,ディズニー,ファンタジア,ダビンチの山,Halong Bay,Vietnam,Davinci,Mystery of Davinci,ダビンチ,ダビンチの謎,疑惑のda Vinci,God of Gods,神の神,神々のルーツ,Raffaello,Ancient Greece,Nazca,The World is One,Kaaba,Lumbini,Rumbini,Easter Island,God and Buddha,はやし浩司,カーバ,カーバ神殿,ルンビニ,イースター島,Hiroshi Hayashi,Hamamatsu,Mystery,Ancient Civilizations,Aliens,文明の謎,異星人,宇宙人,神々,Ancient History,歴史の謎,謎の歴史,Mysterious Lines.林 浩司,はやし浩司,La Jaconde,Dianna,Venus de Milo,da Vinci,Michelangelo,ルネサンス,

【Hiroshi Hayashi******April 2014******はやし浩司・林浩司】