

Vulkano Beta Firmware 88-580088

2010-10-07 10:35:12 | Vulkano
Monsoon Multimedia has just released a beta firmware update version 88/580088.
This beta mostly addresses the composite output issue but there are other beta features you may want to test. If you are happy with how your Vulkano is performing and don’t need these beta updates you may want to stay with your current firmware and await until the beta has been tested.


* You can now select composite as your output during the initial setup.
* During ZIP code entry, the number keys behave like cell phone buttons. So for instance if you wanted to enter the number “9″ you would cycle through w, x, y, and z to get to it.
* EPG configuration can be skipped and you can enter a recording manually. You can use the number buttons to enter the name like you would on a cell phone. “0″ is the space key but there is no upper case yet.

