*** reminiscences ***
since 17 JAN 2005

(since 17 AUG 2005)

ベルビュー航空機事故 続報


事故機は、1981年に製造された Boeing737-200 です。機齢は24年ということになります。

どうも、今年は Boeing737-200 の事故が目に付きます。


本年2月3日には、アフガニスタンのカブールの東でアフガニスタンの Kim Air 904 便カブール行国内線で搭乗者104名全員が死亡する事故が起こっていますが、その事故機も1980年に製造された Boeing737-200 (Registration: EX-037) でした。
※この事故の原因は、CFIT: Controlled Flight Into Terrain でした(事故機は高度 11000 feet の山岳地帯に激突)。


参考までに BBC News World Edition の報道も引用しておきます。

ナイジェリアの旅客機墜落、乗客・乗員全員117人が死亡 (ロイター) - goo ニュース
 [アブジャ 23日 ロイター] ナイジェリア政府は23日、同国南西部に墜落した旅客機の乗客・乗員117人全員が死亡したと発表した。



2005年10月24日 (月) 07:58
117人全員、生存は絶望か ナイジェリアの墜落事故 (朝日新聞) - goo ニュース



2005年10月24日 (月) 12:49

Aviation Safety Network: Aircraft Accident description of the 22 OCT 2005 accident of a Boeing 737-2L9 5N-BFN at Lisa
Accident description

Status:              Preliminary 
Date:                22 OCT 2005 
Time:                ca 20:40 
Type:                Boeing 737-2L9 
Operator:            Bellview Airlines 
Registration:        5N-BFN 
Msn / C/n:           22734/818 
Year built:          1981 
Crew:                6 fatalities / 6 on board  
Passengers:          111 fatalities / 111 on board  
Total:               117 fatalities / 117 on board  
Airplane damage:     Written off 
Location:            near Lisa (Nigeria) 
Phase:               En route (ENR) 
Nature:              Domestic Scheduled Passenger 
Departure airport:   Lagos-Murtala Muhammed Airport (LOS) 
Destination airport: Abuja International Airport (ABV) 
Flightnumber:        210
Bellview flight 210 took off from Lagos at 20:35 for a domestic flight to Abuja. Last radio contact was about three minutes after takeoff. The flight was cleared to climb to FL250 and was to report when reaching FL130.
The next morning the wreckage was found about 30 kms (20 miles) north of Lagos.
The latest Lagos TAF weather forecast for the period of the crash read:
DNMM 221550Z 221818 28007KT 9999 FEW010
TEMPO 0507 5000 BR
BECMG 0810 21008G20KT BKN013

BBC NEWS | Africa | Nigeria mourns air crash victims
Nigeria mourns air crash victims

Nigeria has declared three days of national mourning for the passengers and crew of a commercial airliner which crashed on Saturday night.

All 117 people on board the Bellview Airlines Boeing 737 were killed shortly after take-off from Lagos.

The aircraft, which was on its way to the capital, Abuja, came down in the northern outskirts of Lagos after sending a distress call.

The cause of the crash is still being investigated.

The "black box" flight recorders have reportedly been found.

President Olusegun Obasanjo has urged all Nigerians to pray for the victims and their families.

Violent impact

The pilot of Bellview Airlines flight 210 sent a distress signal just after taking off from Lagos for Abuja in stormy weather at 2045 local time (1945 GMT) on Saturday.

The plane was found near the village of Lissa, in Ogun state, about 50km (30 miles) north of Lagos.

There had been conflicting reports at first about whether anyone survived, but officials at the scene said no-one could have survived the plane's impact.

"It was a very pitiable sight. The aircraft was partly submerged [in the ground] and broken into several pieces," National Civil Aviation Authority chief Fidelis Onyenyiri was quoted as saying by the Associated Press news agency.

Nigerian television broadcast images of mangled bodies, twisted chunks of metal and ripped luggage at the scene.

There are dozens of flights each day between Nigeria's biggest city, Lagos and Abuja.

Personnel problems

Bellview Airlines has suspended all its flights from Lagos. The company's management said the crash was the first by one of its planes in the company's 12-year history.

The airline is a private Nigerian company, popular with foreigners and wealthy Nigerians, which flies routes throughout West Africa, mainly using Boeing 737s.

May 2002: Plane operated by EAS Airlines crashes in Kano, killing 148 people - half of them on the ground
November 1996: 142 people die when Boeing 727 owned by Nigeria's ADC airline plunges into lagoon 85km (55 miles) from Lagos
September 1992: 158 people are killed when military transport plane goes down near Lagos

Kieran Daly, editor of the Air Transport Intelligence online newsletter, told the BBC's Network Africa programme that Nigeria's air safety record is not great but "the number of truly serious accidents is not as high as people imagine."

He said those countries with poor air safety records generally had a problem with oversight by the authorities.

Many African countries had a problem finding enough resources and qualified personnel to ensure that rules were being obeyed, he said.

In July, an Air France plane was badly damaged after striking a herd of cows while trying to land in the oil city of Port Harcourt. No passengers were hurt.

In May 2002, a plane crashed near the city of Kano, killing 148 people.

Meanwhile, the government has closed down Daar Communications, which operates the local AIT television station and Ray Power radio because of its coverage of the crash.

The National Broadcasting Commission [NBC] says AIT broadcast "close up shot of decapitated body parts".

Daar officials says the government was unhappy that it broadcast pictures from the scene while aviation authorities were saying the plane had crashed much further north.

The authorities were also reportedly unhappy that AIT mistakenly said that the president's wife, Stella Obasanjo, who died in Spain on Sunday, was born in 1935, rather than 1945.

Last Updated: Monday, 24 October 2005, 11:12 GMT 12:12 UK
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