foxnews punchline

2011-04-26 15:30:23 | 日記
several japanese media notice foxnews' weird report.

shukan shincho, "shibuya eggman is nuke plant in tokyo",
spa magazine, "is japan's elite hiding a weapons program inside nuclear plants?"

maybe americans recognize these are the simpsons punchline.

spa magazine is a member of fuji television network, and it holds "sazae-san",
over 40 years home comedy cartoon. it's a base of the simpsons.

by the way, NHK says "radioactive water level is very high."
NHK is japanese televesion "the times."
as it says like this, real world is much more may means "the end".

just now, some peole and animals are dying because of the plant disaster,
not by the radioactive itself.
who can't move by themselves are left inside 20 or 30km area.
itseems there is no enough people to bring them all outside the area.

in nagatacho(washington), battles of police party is continueing.
mr.kan is minshu party, and members of jimin party are planning to banish him.
when jimin party asked for help by prime minister, they reject it.
"we don't want to be part of a minshu member."

the weak government kills these people and animals.

