
ウクライナ チェルノブイリ その1

1)小学校3年の頃 担当の先生に「学校に来るな」と言われて 転校した
歩いて行ける公立の小学校から 私立の学校にバスと電車で通った
2)最初のクラスで 転入生として 自己紹介しろ と言われ
3)「まさか地元(蒲田)の学校から「来るな」と言われたから来ましたと 言えず そうだ 「広島からです」と言ったら どよめきが湧いた 
4)休み時間に 賢そうな級長が「側に来るなよ 放射能がうつる」と
nuclear power plant No-1.
64-65 years ago
1) When I was in the third grade of elementary school, the teacher told "not to come to school "and my dad transferred me to a private school.
A private school is far form my home, needs to take bus and train with one and half hour.
Old public elementary school that I could walk to.
2) In the first class, I need to say something about myself as a new comer.
When I was hesitating to say ,someone asked "Where did you come from?"
3) "I can't say my real school name that my ex-teaher said to me "you need not to come."
That's right, I said screamingly "I'm from Hiroshima"
4) It's time for a break, and the wise class president says, "Don't come to near my side."
”Radioactivity illness will be transmitted"





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