arena8order Δ慧會隴

亂鷓鸚 吁咤 帝頭 Long-Shout Woo-t.a. Earof.

人拐専拾-kidnapping organization…

2012-12-29 21:38:35 | 日記



The terrorist including "a false Mongolian" during a coup d'etat becomes clear with the Korea (the Philippines) Operation Army at the time of World War II in Japan.

The 貊褫-Hakuti (idiocy) family of the ルバング-Rubang island that still continues a purpose "to take all from the imperial family" without being able to understand the meaning of the defeated nation.

The Internet becomes the error by list of cyberterrorism damage of the Philippine nationality.

An artificial earthquake criminal using a microwave and GPS is the remnants whole families of the Korea Operation Army at the time of World War II called "the Korea black gourd electronic brain group".

I am holding out a siege with imprisoning a hostage in all the members, new large public accommodation of Yokosuka.

A hostage, imprisonment, a terrorist of the Philippine nationality of "a self-styled Mongolian" holding out a siege are brothers and cousins of the mental diseases of "R7-Level7" in Yokosuka.

It is kuru disease by ska and cannibalism.

There is IQ37, too.

A race that R7 mixes the defoliant which one's relative created with dry milk and overwhelms.

The criminal clan who I use a defoliant and a drug with a stimulant regularly, and pretends to be "brain fever" (obstacle)…The terrorist (war crime) whole families.

#人拐専拾 (kidnapping organization) # 流蛮愚 (the exile barbarian a fool) # exile island # war crime # Operation Army # brass county # 留番愚 (turn to leave a fool as) #R7 # Kuo # brothel # lover # prison # confinement room # 流吽辺 (beggar) # 問語留 (Mongolia) # 們牛輅 # town shop # 待屋 # 舞區 # stand world # vs. low rank

I am Yokohama, Oda, Toyama, 徳保-Tokubo, Zao (蓙甌-Zaoh), the Toda whole families kidnapped in the whole families from Tsunashima, Yokohama-shi and Tokyo on August 10, 1964 two months before the Tokyo Olympics.

I was born in angel Hospital in Sapporo at kidnapped next day, 2:45 p.m. of 1964,8,11.

I am with the second son of Kunio Yamada (son of Yukichi Fukuzawa, Matsukage, Yoshida) of Sapporo Shinoro of the cousin of mother.

As for my name "e" "re" "ri" "na", the name seems to include "# treaty" of the ban on use all over the world.

The licensing by the family register only as for me, "imperial family" 織田繪璃奈 -Erena Oda( Yokohama collar, Nojima collar, Yamada collar).

I heard more than Bcup with prohibition in Korea.

Therefore it is avoided in an own country and seems to run away to Japan.

A meaning same as a double eyelid as for the artificial anus.

When such people "are advantageous ," I use my name. "Virtue of Tokugawa!"

「サイバーテロ」に関連した英語例文の一覧 - Weblio英語例

