arena8order Δ慧會隴

亂鷓鸚 吁咤 帝頭 Long-Shout Woo-t.a. Earof.

In Facebook "横濱 えり"

2012-12-27 14:01:16 | 日記

In Facebook "横濱 えり-Eri Yokohama"

There is a URL of my blog.

A grandfather of my father's side 遠山榮太樓-Eitaro Toyama ("National Police Agency Toyama") of the younger brother of 樋口鐓鎧-Taikai Higuchi of "the treaty" of "want to come back to the 嘩喃-Kanang … Philippines area of few people" at the time of World War I…Ei Nojima Goro (徳保-Tokubo, 横濱-Yokohama). An older brother of 樋口韶昌-Syousyo Higuchi.

A grandfather of the mother's side is the second son of "Dr. Clark"…蓙甌-Zaoh, 蔵王靜治-Seiji Zao (遠田静治-Seiji Enda) of "a The Magic Flute king" of "Manchurian railroad" "Japanese National Railways."

I am Microsoft…I dislike constitution of the companies.

Because I was not concerned at all…I make the new other company.

"I had poverty most all over the world" The terrorist of the Rubang island of the remnants of the Philippines Operation Army gave "an official guarantee" to me.

Eri Nojima (Yokohama) of "imperial family" 織田繪璃奈-Erena Oda (Eri Yokohama, Eri Nojima, Eri Yamada) = 札幌市立啓北商業高校

E(A)rena Iaj.ajg.Lancasta Oda Medici Bacckuth Vintevecom Vallantine Brown Yokohama Zaoh Toyama Alcaponelig(Alphonso Capone) (Remirow) Rminmartin…Eleonora de' Medici.

