


2021-08-08 22:44:20 | 日記


A musical art with both scholarly and folk roots, Đờn ca tài tử is an indispensable part of the spiritual activity and cultural heritage of the people of southern Viet Nam. The music and songs evoke the people’s life and work on the land and rivers of the Mekong Delta region. Performed at numerous events such as festivals, death anniversary rituals and celebrations, Đờn ca tài tử is thus intimately connected with other cultural practices and customs, oral traditions and handicrafts.

The performers express their feelings by improvising, ornamenting and varying the ‘skeletal melody’ and main rhythmic patterns of these pieces. Đờn ca tài tử is played on a variety of different instruments, including the moon-shaped lute, two-stringed fiddle, sixteen-stringed zither, pear-shaped lute, percussion, monochord and bamboo flute. Its repertoire is based on twenty principal songs and seventy-two classical songs. The musical art is passed on through oral transmission, based on imitation, from master instrumentalists and singers to students. Musicians need to study for at least three years to learn the basic instrumental techniques and master the musical modes to express different moods and emotions. Vocal students study the traditional songs and learn to improvise subtly, using different ornamentation techniques.


2021-08-08 01:09:04 | 日記



The art of Bài Chòi in Central Viet Nam is a diverse art combining music, poetry, acting, painting and literature. It takes two main forms:

  • ‘Bài Chòi games’ involve a card game played in bamboo huts during the Lunar New Year.
  • ‘Bài Chòi performance’: male and female Hieu artists perform on a rattan mat, either moving from place to place or in private occasions for families. The bearers and practitioners of the art of Bài Chòi are Hieu artists, solo Bài Chòi performers, card-making folk artists and hut-making folk artists.

The art of Bài Chòi is an important form of culture and recreation within village communities. Performers and their families play a major role in safeguarding the practice by teaching song repertoires, singing skills, performance techniques and card-making methods to younger generations.

Together with communities, these performers have set up nearly 90 Bài Chòi teams, groups and clubs to practise and transmit the art form, which attracts wide community participation. Most performers of the art learn their skills within the family and the skills are mainly transmitted orally, but artists specializing in Bài Chòi also transmit knowledge and skills in clubs, schools and associations.


2021-08-04 01:50:19 | 日記

Nar Bayrami is an annual festival in October/November in Azerbaijan’s Goychay region that celebrates the pomegranate and its traditional uses and symbolic meaning. Pomegranate culture is a set of practices, knowledge, traditions and skills related to the cultivation of the fruit, which is used not only in a range of culinary contexts, but is also referred to in crafts, decorative arts, myths, storytelling and other creative outlets. The element is linked to local agriculture and to the farmers and individuals in rural communities that grow and collect the fruit. These participants have an understanding of environmental characteristics and harvesting techniques. The fruit enjoys great visibility in society as both the pomegranate and Nar Bayrami perform a range of cultural and social functions – everything from its use in traditional meals to being cited in poetry. Symbolically, the pomegranate is associated with long-term productivity, abundance and is considered as a carrier of energy. Azerbaijani Local legends viewed it as a symbol of love and passion, while religious people saw it as symbolizing eternity. The annual celebration displays pride for centuries-old traditionsthis festivity and culture related to the fruit and encourages active exchange and communication among communities and visitors to the festivity, a time to highlight local nature and culture.


2021-08-02 20:32:50 | 日記

2021 UNESCO World Heritage List:


  1. As-Salt - The Place of Tolerance and Urban Hospitality, Jordan
  2. Cultural Landscape of HawramanUramanat, Iran
  3. Dholavira a Harappan City, India
  4. Earliest 16th-Century Monasteries on the Slopes of Popocatepetl, Mexico
  5. Frontiers of the Roman Empire – The Lower German Limes, Germany, Netherlands
  6. Jomon Prehistoric Sites in Northern Japan, Japan
  7. Nice, Winter Resort Town of the Riviera, France
  8. Petroglyphs of Lake Onega and the White Sea, Russian
  9. Settlement and Artificial Mummification of the Chinchorro Culture in the Arica and Parinacota Region, Chile
  10. ShUM Sites of Speyer, Worms and Mainz, Germany
  11. Sudanese style mosques in northern Côte d’Ivoire, Côte d'Ivoire
  12. The Porticoes of Bologna, Italy
  13. The Slate Landscape of Northwest Wales, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  14. The works of Jože Plecnik in Ljubljana – Human Centred Urban Design, Slovenia


  1. Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe
  2. Ivindo National Park, Gabon