
2014-01-25 02:21:04 | 日記

Seiji Ninomiya World In English: People of South Korea had better know the serious ... seijienglish.blogspot.com/2014/01/people…

A Day in the Life: Inside the State of the Union with Valerie Jarrett | The White House: wh.gov/l5wYo @whitehouse


2014-01-24 02:10:07 | 日記

Seiji Ninomiya World In English: China must make 21 century style political system.... seijienglish.blogspot.com/2014/01/china-…

A Day in the Life: Inside the State of the Union with Cody Keenan | The White House: wh.gov/l5PRq @whitehouse


2014-01-23 02:03:06 | 日記

NOVEL:JAPAN LOVE:P6:MARK ROSS arrived Japan in early January. "So cold. but atmosphere of Japan is so good. My love waits here. Fantastic."

2 件 リツイートされました

Seiji Ninomiya World In English: Young Americans must make The New U.S.A. seijienglish.blogspot.com/2014/01/young-…


2014-01-19 02:10:58 | 日記

NOVEL:JAPAN LOVE:P5:After Sushi Bar, Mark Ross thought. "I must go Japan.
Japan welcome me absolutely." Mark decide to go Japan. Oh Japan.

4 件 リツイートされました

Seiji Ninomiya World In English: Japanese Prime Minister Sinzo Abe, will you talk a... seijienglish.blogspot.com/2014/01/japane…