
2014-01-30 02:14:04 | 日記

Go behind-the-scenes with President Obama as he prepares for tonight's State of the Union: go.wh.gov/3Txy2t #InsideSOTU

1 件 リツイートされました

Seiji Ninomiya World In English: Now American are thinking the future of U.S.A.? seijienglish.blogspot.com/2014/01/now-am…

I feel, "Spring will come soon." I wanna make a special good love even though I'm 60 year-old now. Love makes me a lot of things.

Seiji Ninomiya 4さんがリツイート | RT

My acquaintances those who over 70 year-old over 80 year-old said, "I wanna young girlfriends." I said, "How old?" They said, "20's" OH,OH.

Seiji Ninomiya 4さんがリツイート | RT

I am watching the enhanced State of the Union address live on WH.gov/SOTU! #SOTU2014

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