
2014-10-02 01:55:54 | 日記

Seiji Ninomiya World In English: The political style of China is out of date. Look ... seijienglish.blogspot.com/2014/10/the-po…

Seiji Ninomiya 4さんがリツイート | RT

NOVEL:THE MAN WHO LOVED THE GHOST:P18:Many people come in front of Karen and Tom. People say, "Karen is a great Texan girl. We love her."

Seiji Ninomiya 4さんがリツイート | RT

NOVEL:THE SPY:P111:"Meg. Do the fingers of Islamic state here Japan?" "No Ann." "O.K." "How about China?" "Many" "Whoops." "Very serious."

Seiji Ninomiya 4さんがリツイート | RT

NOVEL:ADOLF HITLER WAS A FEMALE:P64:"Jewish people must give their money to us." Hitler shouted so loudly. "Yeah, Yeah." People exciting.

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