


2023年08月09日 13時52分43秒 | 気になるニュースあれこれ

広島・長崎への原爆投下は不要だったと第二次世界大戦の米軍トップが語る - たんぽぽの心の旅のアルバム (goo.ne.jp)



DR. DOGGIE(@sabuchanhakoda1)さん / X (twitter.com)



RekiShock(レキショック)@日本史情報発信中(@Reki_Shock_)さん / X (twitter.com)

「1945年8月9日、広島に次ぎ長崎に原子爆弾が投下されました。 投下されたのは広島に投下されたウラン型ではなく、アメリカが多額の予算を注ぎ込んだプルトニウム型の原子爆弾でした。 ウラン型とプルトニウム型の威力を比較・実験するために、長崎は2度目の投下目標になったといわれています。」

Libertarian Party(@LPNational)さん / X (twitter.com)

「Today is the anniversary of the atomic bomb detonation in Hiroshima on August 6, 1945.

It's a sad reminder that most of what we have been taught about the atomic bombs, and the reasons behind their usage, is the product of lies and the US propaganda machine.

According to the standard narrative, Japan refused to surrender in WW2 even after long and bloody battles in the Pacific, and an allied invasion of the Japanese mainland would have caused the deaths of 1 million+ allied soldiers as well as 10 million+ Japanese. Slaughtering hundreds of thousands of innocents in the two cities, by this argument, saved millions of lives and convinced Japan to surrender.

In reality, Japan actually had made overtures as early as late May, 1945 to surrender to the United States in a manner that was virtually unconditional, save for some basic legal protections for Emperor Hirohito. Furthermore, Japan was in no position to continue the war for long, for the US oil embargo had completely starved the country of fuel and basic resources. By the end of July, 1945, Japan’s navy had completely stopped major naval operations.

Some of the highest-ranking and most respected US generals reflected back on the bombings and expressed moral outrage and strategic doubts about their usage. Others made this clear at the time, and strongly urged their civil superiors not to use them.

Supreme Allied Commander in Europe Dwight Eisenhower, for instance, pleaded with Secretary of War Henry Stimson to reconsider the plan, expressing his belief “that Japan was already defeated and that dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary,” and also because he “thought that our country should avoid shocking world opinion by the use of a weapon whose employment was, I thought, no longer mandatory as a measure to save American lives. It was my belief that Japan was,” Eisenhower wrote, “at that very moment, seeking some way to surrender with a minimum loss of ‘face.’”

Admiral William Leahy, the highest-ranking US military officer on active duty in the war, wrote similarly: “It is my opinion that the use of this barbarous weapon at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan. The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender because of the effective sea blockade and the successful bombing with conventional weapons.”

Chester Nimitz, the commander-in-chief of the US Pacific Fleet, insisted that the atomic bombs were “of no material assistance in our war against Japan” for similar reasons.

General Douglas MacArthur, the supreme allied commander of the southwest Pacific, saw “no military justification for the dropping of the bomb” whatsoever, and also professed that “Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped.”

Admiral William “Bull” Halsey stated emphatically that “atomic bombing – of civilians, is morally indefensible.”

Because the US government decided otherwise, 225,000+ innocent civilians died in atrocities the scale of which the world had never seen. Instead of saving American lives, the chief purpose of the two atomic bombs seems to have been to flex the might of the American war machine in front of Soviet eyes. The detonations led to a costly arms race, the birth of the military industrial complex, and the Cold War itself.

Americans are still paying the price for all of it.

We do not accept that the atomic bombs saved millions of lives (they didn’t), that Japan would never have surrendered otherwise (they would have, and tried do to so prior to the bombings), or that they were morally justified in any way (they weren’t). These are all myths to justify the mass extermination of civilians in an overt act of terrorism by the US government.

We chose to expose these truths about the catastrophes in Hiroshima and Nagasaki because we do not accept that it is ever moral to target civilians for mass death. Additionally, we hope recounting these horrors will persuade others that they must never transpire again.

For humanity to thrive, there can be no brinksmanship with Russia, China, or any other nuclear power.

For humanity to thrive, there can be no nuclear winter.

For humanity to thrive, there can never be any more tragedies like Hiroshima and Nagasaki ever again.







実際、日本は 1945 年 5 月末という早い時期に、昭和天皇に対するいくつかの基本的な法的保護を除いて、事実上無条件で米国に降伏する申し入れを行っていました。さらに、米国の石油禁輸措置により燃料と基本資源が完全に枯渇してしまったために、日本は戦争を長く続ける立場になかった。 1945 年 7 月末までに、日本海軍は主要な海軍作戦を完全に停止しました。






ウィリアム・“ブル”・ハルゼー提督は、「民間人に対する原爆投下は道徳的に擁護できない」と強調した。 米国政府がそうでないと決定したため、225,000人以上の罪のない民間人が、世界がこれまでに見たことのない規模の残虐行為で命を落としました。 2発の原爆の主な目的は、アメリカ人の命を救うことよりも、ソ連の目の前でアメリカの戦争機械の威力を発揮することであったようだ。爆発は、多額の費用を投じた軍拡競争、軍産複合体の誕生、そして冷戦そのものを引き起こした。








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