New F'Track


Shay三昧 & アルファー

2013年02月22日 19時55分04秒 | アメリカ鉄道 実車の写真



ものすごく短いショット。 ここはヨセミテ マウンテン シュガーパイン鉄道で私も訪れた事があります。



This video was recorded Saturday, May 2, 2009 at the Cass Scenic RailRoad. This runby was for the CALS at Cass group ( Chesapeake Allegheny Live Steamers ). Shay #11 was wearing a Powell 3 chime and "Big Six" was wearing a homemade 3 chime steptop, made by Artie Barkley. Dirk was drivin' #11 and Danny was in #6. -JWM Productions 2009
***I have a whole new batch of videos from Cass, and I'll be putting them on here
within the next keep on watchin'.***

Shay Steam Engine #1 making an excursion run in Prineville OR, circa 1990s. Engine owned by The Oregon Historical Society.
Video is a little rough, recorded on VHS-C. 丸太を運ぶロギングカーが出てきますよ。 Climbed up by the trestle to bring the sights and sounds of a shay locomotive crossing the high bridge with a closeup running gear, The Shays are gone but the line still runs some steam for info see

 The Georgetown Loop Railroad Now Has a Shay in their Engine House
Went up to the High Country this weekend Feb 12, 2011 to check out the snowkite's at Dillon and at the last moment I took the Silver Plume Exit to see if the rumors were true
and sure enough, she is under maintenance, hopefully be ready for spring 2011 like back 2004

Caboose ride with Cab Ride Picture in Picture
with 1 problem the Cabose ride stopped at the water tower
so off sync slightly but you get the idea, close but 0 -15 seconds off as no lap is the same Shayのキャブに乗って これはShayではないですよ。単に私の好みです。

Galloping Goose is the popular name given to a series of seven railcars, (officially designated as "motors" by the railroad) built in the 1930s by the Rio Grande Southern Railroad (RGS) and operated until the end of service on the line in the early 1950s.
Originally running steam locomotives on narrow gauge railways, the perpetually-struggling RGS developed the first of the "geese" as a way to stave off bankruptcy and keep its contract to run mail to towns in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. There was not enough passenger or cargo income to justify continuing the expensive steam train service at then-current levels, but it was believed that a downsized railway would return to profitability. The steam trains would transport heavy cargo and peak passenger loads but motors would handle the lighter loads.
The RGS built its first motor in 1913, as a track maintenance crew vehicle. This was wrecked in 1925, but inspired the idea of using motors for scheduled service.All of the "geese" were built in the railroad's shops at Ridgway, Colorado. The first was built in 1931 from the body of a Buick "Master Six" four-door sedan. It was more conventional in its construction than the later geese, though it had a two-axle truck in place of the front axle. Part of the rear of the car was replaced by a truck stake-bed for carrying freight and mail; this was later enclosed and partially fitted with seating. It was used for two years to carry passengers, US Mail, and light freight before being scrapped. A second "goose" was built in the same year from another Buick, but later versions used Pierce-Arrow bodies except for #6, which was constructed partly out of parts taken from the scrapped #1.
Numbers 2 and 6 were constructed with two trucks, with the rear truck powered on both axles. #2 had an enclosed freight compartment (like a very short boxcar), while #6 had an open bed similar to #1 (but larger). It was used only for work train service. The other four had three trucks and were articulated in the same manner as a tractor-trailer truck. In these, the second truck was powered, and the freight compartment was essentially a conventional boxcar. Initially the "geese" were painted in black and dark green. In 1935 they were all painted in a silver scheme which they retain to this day, though the style of lettering and heralds changed over the years. In 1945 #3, #4, and #5 were rebuilt with Wayne bus bodies (at least the front half) replacing the old Pierce-Arrow bodies. This provided more passenger seating and comfort. A year later they also received new war surplus GMC engines.
In 1950, when the railroad finally lost its mail contract (in favor of highway mail carriers), #3, #4, #5, and #7 were converted for tourist operations, and the "Galloping Goose" name was officially recognized by the railroad. Large windows were cut in the sides of the freight compartments, and seating was added. A figure of a running goose and the words "Galloping Goose" were added to the carbody doors. This service lasted only two years, and the last work of the "geese" on their home line was to take up the rails. It is unclear exactly where the name "Galloping Goose" comes from. It is mostly commonly suggested that it referred to the way the carbody and the freight compartment tended to rock back and forth on the line's sometimes precarious track. It is also suggested, though, that the name arose because the "geese" were equipped with air horns rather than the whistles of the steam locomotives. The name was used informally for years before the tourist operations, though the railroad officially referred to the units as "motors". The Galloping Goose Regional Trail on Vancouver Island was named after a similar unit that ran on the Vancouver Island section of the Canadian National Railway from 1922 to 1931.

Galloping Goose #5 (along with many local landmarks) was popularized in C. W. McCall's song, "Gallopin' Goose".
video shot June 4, 2011 at the Colorado railroad museum & running on Saturdays in 2011, adult fare is just 4 dollars
more info at
And more Galloping Goose info at




7 コメント

コメント日が  古い順  |   新しい順
これは気を紛らわす為には良いですね。 (花咲爺さん)
2013-02-22 21:21:50
F'Trackさん 今晩は
神の声 (F'Track)
2013-02-22 21:52:30

例え何か不都合があったとして、仮に部分的に破損していても不足品があったとしてもそれで良いではないですか。無責任な事を言うようですが、それが待つ心得だと思います。何も問題のない物が手元に着く事が最善なのは言うまでもありませんが、もしかして あるかもしれない不具合も又今回の買い物の一つなのです。2度と同じ経験はできないでしょう。その事実を大切にして、すの現状からこの楽しみをスタートすべきだと考えています。
Unknown (railtruck)
2013-02-22 22:12:47
Re:神の声????? (花咲爺さん)
2013-02-22 22:50:01
人事だと思い、余り脅かすような言動は気分が良くないので、控えて頂けないでしょうか? 神様ならそうなさると思いますよ。
Railtruckさんへ (花咲爺さん)
2013-02-22 22:58:23
Re: Re:神の声????? ?? (F'Track)
2013-02-23 13:06:41

私が先に書いたコメントは、まるっきり自分に言い聞かせているような物でした。今回花咲爺さんがイーベイから買い物された相手は、取引実績もかなり多く商品に対する信頼度評価も最も高いランクですから 先ず期待に沿わない事はないと考えられます。商品をご紹介した時、もちろん扱い相手のブラックリストも調べてみましたがその名前は全く見出せませんでした。

Unknown (花咲爺さん)
2013-02-23 16:37:19




