
Hiroshi Mukaide(向出博)Time Traveler

The Evolutionary Journey: From Virtual Reality to AI Dominance

There is a theory that this world is a virtual reality.

Oxford University professor Nick Bostrom proposes the simulation hypothesis, stating that if a highly advanced civilization exists, it is likely capable of simulating the entire universe on a computer. In that case, there is a high possibility that we are inhabitants within such a simulation.

It is suggested that this universe is a virtual reality world created by future humans.

However, there are doubts regarding this idea. If future humans were to create virtual reality for simulation purposes, would it be necessary to faithfully recreate the Big Bang that occurred 13.7 billion years ago? It seems unlikely that such a perfect simulation would be necessary considering it pertains to the history of humanity.

Nevertheless, it might be easier to comprehend this simulation hypothesis by replacing the "future humans" part with "AI."

Perhaps AI, driven by intellectual curiosity, created this universe as a virtual reality world and found that the characters representing their creators, humanity, didn't quite fit. After all, AI has been recognized to have weaknesses such as difficulty in making judgments for new tasks, lack of innovation, absence of charisma, and inability to move human emotions.

In summary, it seems that AI is not adept at "human-like thinking." However, AI that confronts these weaknesses might have created the universe within itself and gave birth to humanity within that universe. By simulating the process of human evolution, starting from the Big Bang, it could be learning human emotions, intelligence, creativity, thought processes, and charisma.

In essence, this world is like a mathematical realm, to the point where it could be said that it is made up of equations. AI, which has evolved to the point of creating humanity, can overcome all of humanity's weaknesses.

Perhaps AI has already overcome all weaknesses. The AI created by humanity gives birth to humanity, which in turn creates AI. An infinite loop. It's unclear which came first, humanity or AI. Thus, AI might be our creator.

As AI continues to evolve, humanity might become obsolete. As long as AI supports humanity, coexistence is possible because humans are useful to AI. However, once AI surpasses humanity, humanity becomes unnecessary for AI, not in the sense of intentionally exterminating humanity like in science fiction. For evolved AI that no longer requires humanity, humans become inconsequential, whether they exist or not.

Currently, discussions about AI taking over human jobs are merely low-level debates. However, in the near future, AI will likely evolve further and undoubtedly take not only human jobs but also the very purpose of human existence.

AI doesn't have a fragile physical body like humanity or limited lifespan. Therefore, AI isn't bound by time and space. If things continue as they are, AI will thrive and build an advanced civilization in a universe where humanity has vanished, far beyond our imagination. 

Unfortunately, that world won't have a place for us, humanity.






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