
Hiroshi Mukaide(向出博)Time Traveler

World Ruled by Leaders and Wealthy, Ordinary Citizens are Indeed NPCs: Mere Characters Manipulated

As the world was shocked by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the conflict between Hamas and Israel began. 

The tensions between the United States, China, and Russia continue to escalate. 

The current state of the world seems to be relentlessly heading towards destruction.

In this scenario, it's the ordinary citizens who always get caught up in the conflicts and battles between nations.   

The leaders and the wealthy class deploy recruited soldiers from the general population, observing the wars from a safe distance.   
For those in power, it seems to be akin to watching a sports match.

Leaders and the wealthy elite, in the name of defending "freedom and democracy," loudly proclaim the necessity of fighting against enemies, rallying the general public to wage wars. 

It's almost as if they want to say, "The enemy is you."

However, if someone dares to speak out against this, they risk facing backlash from fellow ordinary citizens who mistakenly believe they could become part of the ruling class.

It's puzzling how, despite being used as disposable pawns by leaders and the wealthy, ordinary citizens always seem to end up in this situation. 

In the 21st century, nations still appear to be convenient mechanisms for rulers and the wealthy to dominate and exploit the general population.

Leaders use the structure of the nation in the world of "freedom and democracy" to control and pursue their ambitions and profits. 

The wealthy, in the realm of capitalism, control workers in lieu of the nation, fulfilling their ambitions and pursuing profits.

For leaders and the wealthy, the nation is merely infrastructure for their ambitions and self-realization. 

They might look down upon ordinary citizens who cling to their country, politics, or ideologies as losers in the survival competition, responsible for their own fate.

In the world of political struggle, power is everything for leaders, who fully exploit democracy. 

For them, freedom and democracy are convenient ideologies to grasp power.

On the other hand, for the wealthy engaged in economic competition using AI and IT, wealth is everything. 

Outdated politics or ideologies with no productivity or benefits are relics of a bygone era.

In today's global capitalist society, where everyone competes economically, the wealthy are not attached to politics or ideologies, let alone the nation. 

For them, the birthplace is just infrastructure for making money.   

They enhance their value, strengthen their competitiveness, and go to a country with a capitalist infrastructure that suits them best. It's enviable.

Thinking about it, if one clings to their own country, boasting about its greatness or the excellence of its people while being entangled in patriotism, politics, or ideologies, they might end up as losers among the general public.

The capitalist society, which holds "freedom and democracy" as the highest values, ironically became a paradise for self-centered ambitious individuals without a sense of nationalism. 

Nations and ordinary citizens seem to be nothing more than stages and extras for them.


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