

Daily Vocabulary(2024/09/23)

2024年09月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
32951.get something out of the way(面倒なことを先に済ませる)
Let’s clean the house and get it out of the way
32952.graveyard shift(夜勤、深夜勤 )a regular period of working time that begins late at night and continues until the early morning, or the people who work during this time 
Every now and then, my wife has to work the graveyard shift at the hospital. 
32953.more than happy to (喜んで~する) very happy, welcome, likely etc – used to emphasize what you are saying 
I’d be more than happy to be a part of your event. 
32954.Sounds like a plan(いい考えだね ) to notice something about the way someone is behaving or feeling, even though they are trying not to show it 
 Why don’t we study English at Starbucks for about an hour and then go shopping afterwards? Does that sound like a plan? 
32955.burst out laughing(burst out laughing) burst out laughing/crying/singing etc to suddenly start to laugh, cry etc 
I burst out laughing when I saw the video. 

