

Daily Vocabulary(2019/12/16)

2019年12月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
24491.assign (~を割り当てる) to give someone a particular job or make them responsible for a particular person or thing 
Before we get started, we need to assign a role for everyone. 
24492.revamp (改良する / 改訂する)informal to change something in order to improve it and make it seem more modern 
I think it needs some revamping. It looks a bit outdated. 
24493.fill up(完全に満たす) if a container or place fills up, or if you fill it up, it becomes full 
TI need to fill up the car.
24494.shut up(完全に口を閉ざす)  
Hey, just shut up will you?.
24495.fatality(不運、不幸、(事故・戦争などによる)死、死者、致死性)a death in an accident or a violent attack 
The number of road fatalities went up. 

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