

Daily Vocabulary(2019/12/12)

2019年12月12日 | Daily Vocabulary
24471.plumber someone whose job is to repair water pipes, baths, toilets etc 
Has the plumber come to fix the leak yet?
24472.I would like to think that (〜であると考えたい)
I would like to think that hard work pays off.
24473.I’ll get back to you. (改めてご連絡いたします)
I'd like to talk it over with my wife before I make a decision. I'll get back to you tomorrow. 
24474.Maybe (多分 / かもしれない / もしかすると(可能性:30%~50%))  used to say that something may happen or may be true but you are not certain 類義語 perhaps  
It’s getting cloudy. Maybe we should bring an umbrella. 
24475.probably (十中八九高い確率で / きっと(可能性:50%以上))used to say that something is likely to happen, likely to be true etc   
I am probably going to the party tonight, though I have to double check with my husband. 

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