


2019年12月04日 | 爺英語

Shinzo Abe has become Japan's longest-serving prime minister, breaking a record set over a century ago. Abe's total tenure reached 2,887 days on Wednesday.
Abe first became prime minister in 2006, but resigned a year later over health issues. Since returning to the top post in December 2012, he has prioritized the economy and has implemented financial, fiscal, and regional revitalization programs.
But his tenure in office has also drawn criticism over allegations of influence peddling and document tampering by officials.
There's no term limit for a prime minister in Japan. But Abe's third and final session as president of the main governing Liberal Democratic Party will end in September 2021, setting an effective limit on his premiership. Until then, he is likely to pursue his long-held wish of amending the Constitution.
implement 実行する  
influence peddling 利益誘導    
tampering 改ざん  

Daily Vocabulary(2019/12/04)

2019年12月04日 | Daily Vocabulary
24431.deserted island(無人島)
If you were to go to a deserted island、what would you bring?
24432.unlikely(~しなさそう) not likely to happen 
The match is unlikely to be cancelled, despite of  rain.
24433.good chance(十分なチャンス)
Do you think she has a good chance to win?
24434.annoy(いらだたせる、怒らせる、悩ます、困らせ )to make someone feel slightly angry and unhappy about something 類義語 irritate   
Patrick's presence at the party is likely to annoy Leo.
24435.assignment(宿題、研究課題、割り当てられた仕事)a piece of work that is given to someone as part of their job /  a piece of work that a student is asked to do 
I have three assignments to finish by tomorrow. 

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