

週刊碁 電子書籍版

2011-06-14 01:35:49 | 日記
 今はそれを iPad/iPad2/iPhone/iPod4 などで無料版/有料版で見れます。
  6月20日号は世界アマ囲碁選手権戦の”写真&英文”がWEB 版のみの1ページですが見れます。
 その時はキャンペーンで約50% off で購入できます。
From the 25th of April, "ShuukanGo", the weekly Go magazine became available electronically. Have you seen it?
Now it is available for iPad, iPad2, iPhone, and iPod touch both for free version and charged version.
The issue of the 20th of June will feature World Go Amateur Championship with photos and english text exclusive for electronic version.
By the end of this month, "Go World" and "Igo Mirai" will be available as electronic books as well.
With their release, there will be a 50% off campaign.

It is very useful for users who do not want to carry around books or who want to keep the latest Go news handy and accessible any minute.
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